There is 0 content in the game, a maximum of rank 5 ships have appropriate bots, there is a complete lack of crafting - there is the purchase of items for resources, but not crafting. The economy of the game, apparently the developer is not aware of this concept at all, the tax is taken from the auction, and not from the sale - seriously??? Leveling up a captain is just for show, a bunch of useless skills, and in the end, everyone has exactly the same leveling up; it’s a question of who will level up how. The romance of a ship's salvo is piu piu, single shots penetrate more powerfully. Boarding - the word itself implies something skillful, mastery, the word yes - in the game boarding is a piup-piu gap. Upgrades, most of them are absolutely useless, does anyone use “additional ballast”? There is no balance at all. In the arena it throws 7 ranks with 4, that is, the developer believes that 800 HP and small guns can compete with 2k+HP and powerful guns which are many times larger. The game has an idea, but the developer’s emergency situation does not allow you to listen to people even when you contact them directly with specific facts about the game. It’s easier for him to recruit little mods (get a ban for 1000 years, not a single adult can even think of that), swap boats around, remove consumables, simply because the repair kit counts for what, I’ll remove it; you’ll repair both the structure and the sail at the same time, (Don’t you know that you don’t always need to repair the sail?) Donut ships, well, what can you say - these are imbolance ships that are completely broken. If we take similar games, they are premium (let's call units) they simply make it easier for the player to level up, but not imbalanced. The game has an idea - but the game is just stupid, the implementation of the idea is 0. Developer, if you are really interested (if you happen to be reading this post) value your project, don’t get moderators, and don’t show off that you need to send a resume, I have more gaming experience how old are you - here is my resume