Guides Walkthrough The Plucky Squire — Game Guide

Walkthrough The Plucky Squire — Game Guide

Vladislav Sham
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The Plucky Squire — a charming adventure about the journey of fairy-tale heroes between 2D and 3D worlds. To save themselves and the Enchanted Land from the evil sorcerer Burcun, Jot and his friends embark on a long journey. In this guide, we have prepared a detailed walkthrough of the game.

First Chapter

You will listen to the story of Jot, who helps fight evil wizards and writes interesting books.

After the cutscene, the character will appear near the house. Go right, carefully listening to the source of the unusual sound, which ultimately comes from the neighboring house.

There you will meet one of the good wizards, who is trying out the role of a DJ. Seeing Jot, he will ask the hero to fetch wax from Bumblebee, as the wizard needs to stamp records.

In a small journey, you will be accompanied by a mouse named Squeak, who will help deal with goblin enemies. After talking with the companion, head through the passage on the right.

After learning the basics of combat, test your sword skills on bushes and trees: after hitting them, you might get a light bulb. This resource will be useful in the future, as it allows you to purchase items from the local merchant.

Now return to the goblins you might have noticed while learning the rules of dashing. After defeating the enemies, you will reach a fork. It's too early to go right: the Book Fortress is there. So, go up, where the gates will immediately open in front of you.

To climb the Honey Hill, where Bumblebee awaits, you will need to recall the basics of platforming.

Once at the top, we encounter an unpleasant fact: a Badger is eating Bumblebee's honey. This cannot be left unchecked, so Jot challenges the rascal to a fair fight. Here is the first boss battle in the style of a boxing match.

Satisfied with the victory over the enemy? Not so fast: Burcun has broken out of captivity, reached the Book Fortress, and is ready to spread terror across the lands again.

After meeting Lunabeard again, you leave Squeak with the wizard, and in your journey to the evil sorcerer, you are accompanied by Violet. Ahead lies a long path to the Book Fortress.

Here you can collect your first scroll. Finding fifty of them will earn you the corresponding achievement. But you won't have to search for that many scrolls: some of them are sold by the local merchant. The scrolls themselves unlock access to various small concepts and cool images with comments from the developers.

In front of us are locked gates and a small puzzle. One of the necessary words lies directly to our left. For the other, you will have to go right, along the lake. There you will find a bunch of goblins. Kill them, and the second word is now yours.

Behind the gates, we finally meet the local merchant Molly. From her, we can purchase another ingot for the collection and the ability to throw the sword a short distance.

Following the road, we will encounter the first flying enemies and also be able to rescue one of the twelve buglings. Approaching the signpost, the path will suddenly begin to collapse, causing Jot and Violet to fall down. The first chapter comes to an end.

Second Chapter

To the aid of the falling friends comes the mountain troll Tudum: he grabs them, and the magic band sets off to save the world in full force. The heroes have to jump down again, but now Jot will carefully descend the platforms, defeating enemies.

Past the falling boulders, the characters head to the Book Fortress, and even enraged animals cannot stop them. Don't forget to collect the scroll located in the second location after the descent, between the trees, to the left of the walls.

However, the gates turn out to be locked, so Jot has to descend into the pen with two bulls, which is slightly to the right of the exit, to get the key. Now Microbeard will assist the hero, ready to offer advice at any moment.

In the next clearing lies Kettle: a cute kitty wants to feast on its food, which turned out to be too far away and hints at the peculiarity of the inscription in the middle. Hitting the highlighted word forest, you will separate it from the main phrase. Heading right, we find the word ruins slightly to the left with a hint from Microbeard and the food itself. Take ruins and insert this word into the phrase: now the terrain will change.

We deliver the food to the first checkpoint, which is marked as a yellow rectangle with pieces of food. Change the landscape back to the forest, and then move the bowl to the new location. All that's left is to update the terrain one more time: return the ruins, deliver the food to Kettle, who will happily flip over and give you the key to the gate.

Next to the stairs, we meet Molly: she offers us new goods, a damage upgrade for the sword, and a scroll.

Here begins a new biome, infected with Burchun's dark magic. Here you will encounter unusual enemies that appear after lightning strikes. Don't forget to rescue the bugling after encountering the first electrified enemy: it will be waiting for you in the ruins.

Going a little further and destroying even stronger enemies, you will encounter an unknown character who will help you in the future. The bridge over the river is destroyed, so you will have to reach the other side through a dark cave, the entrance to which is slightly to the left. Carefully check all the paths, as the way out is quite difficult: first, you will need to carefully descend, then go straight, and before the cliff, jump up through the ledge on the left hand, after which, after a while, find another similar passage to the right.

Once outside, you will again meet Molly, who, in addition to the previous goods, will this time offer a new scroll and an upgrade for the damage of the ball throw.

Along the way, you will encounter a large number of scattered books and a puzzle associated with them. First, notice that the word together is highlighted in the phrase before the books, and don't forget to collect the scroll located in the lower left corner of the location. Now go to the left part to defeat the monsters and take the key to open the right half.

Opening the right part, similarly break the phrase there and swap the words. First, we will gather the necessary batch of pages, which will help us cross the pit, as after changing the original phrase, a hole will form in the place of the large stack of books. Then we run forward with the magic band.

Before entering the Book Fortress, a mysterious stranger will warn us. Vialka and Tudum decide not to interfere with Ocherk, so he goes up alone. The evil wizard tells the hero that he has figured out how to fight him, despite all his countless defeats, and transports him to the real world.

Finding yourself in a new world, gradually explore the territory: to the north of the book you will find a palette with paints to climb further. There you will encounter an unusual container, in which the bookworm Bukva will be waiting for us. We have already met her at the river crossing.

She promises to help us and also teaches us the ability to move through portals between the real and book worlds. For example, we teleport to the rabbit, return for the nearby carrot, and give it to Krolford.

The rabbit clears the way, so we traverse the fictional world, climbing upwards. Overcoming a small mountain of things, we exit the portal and encounter a ledge and a path that we still need to jump to. Going slightly to the right, we climb up small steps, use a ruler-bridge, and drop a cube down. All that's left is to drag it to the required portal and climb up.

On the other side, we meet Bukva again, who tells us about dangerous bugs. We must avoid them by passing silently.

Looking at the dominoes and the cube nearby, we can guess that we need to start a chain reaction with a throw. So, we do this, and then take the cube with us: we will need it to press the button to open the gate.

Simple tasks for our hero: bypass the bugs from above and the side to get into the portal.

Bukva tells us about an artifact that will help Ocherk return home. We head down, notice the dominoes, and a little further away — the cube itself. However, we still need to reach it.

We descend from the wooden plank and see two small Lego pieces on the left. We pass through them: ahead of us is a maze with bugs, so we proceed very carefully. Bypass the first bug from above, and go around the second one from below.

The third bug is the most difficult: we need to climb up, using two jars on the right as cover. There, we need to jump onto a ledge to enter the portal and reach the cube through the drawn world.

After toppling the dominoes, we climb up them and go straight until we see the flipping gloves. Bukva tells the hero that with their help, he must return to Magicland and stop Burchun, or else the book will be rewritten and the fate of a boy named Sam, a future writer, will be changed.

Descend on the left to reach your book, which you will now open with the gloves directly to the pages with Lunoborod. Head to Magicland to meet an old friend and get useful information from him to defeat the evil Burchun.

This concludes the second chapter, in which Ocherk visited both the Book Fortress and the real world.

We will update the guide soon.

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