Guides Complete Walkthrough It Takes Two: bosses and puzzles at all levels

Complete Walkthrough It Takes Two: bosses and puzzles at all levels

Vladislav Sham
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It Takes Two is an exciting cooperative platformer where you will encounter many interesting mechanics and full interaction with your partner.

Before starting the game, choose the character you will control. Throughout the game, the heroes will receive their unique abilities, which allow them to interact with each other and overcome various obstacles. It is worth noting that there is no better character in the game — both are good in their own way. The abilities of the heroes will change with each new level. We will tell you more about the mechanics as we progress through It Takes Two.

Chapter 1. Shed: Introduction

After the introductory video, approach the generator and interact with the lever. Two fuses will blow out, and the third will start running away from you. Pick up the fuses lying nearby and insert them back into the generator, then follow the third fuse.

Climb up the boxes and break the glass jar. To do this, jump on it from above and press the corresponding key to perform a jump attack. In some moments, you must interact with each other. After reaching two red buttons, activate them simultaneously, hook onto the spinning disk, and climb up. To stay in the air longer when jumping, use the double jump and dash. Move the paint can to the right and climb over the grate.

Use the jump attack on the socket in front of you, then interact with the circular saw. Pick up the fuse and return to the generator. After the cutscene with the vacuum cleaner, you will encounter air-sucking pipes for the first time. Use them to continue moving. If you encounter a pipe with one end down, one player must lift and hold it until the partner gets to the other side.

After reaching the next device with two pipes, help your partner climb first to one side to activate the button, then to the other. When both buttons are activated, the blower in front of you will start sucking air, and you will be able to climb higher.

Move the plate with springs to the right of the fan so your partner can pass and move the pipe that makes the blades rotate. While the fan is inactive, join your partner. In the room, you will see three places where the wires break and a button to start the power. Here are the steps:

  1. The first player grabs the break point immediately after the button.
  2. The second player presses the button and heads to the second break point.
  3. When the current passes through the first player, they must run to the third break point and grab it.

Upon reaching the location with large fans, any player interacts with the helm and moves the fan blades so that the second player can get to the other side. Once on the opposite side, the second player activates the button for automatic fan rotation.

In the next room, you will see a passage behind the glass with three fans. There is a lever nearby. Green fans blow air out, while the red fan sucks it in. One player should use the lever to switch the fans' positions, while the other player makes their way through the passage with the fans.

After some time, you will find yourself in front of a lever next to two fans. The first one blows air out, and the second one sucks it in. One player stays by the lever and switches it so the second player can get to the opposite side. Now the second player grabs the hose and, with the help of the air, moves the platform for their partner.

Here you will see a red button. If you press it, a platform will appear to the right of the pipe for a few seconds. Do the following:

  1. One player stands on the platform, and the other presses the button.
  2. The first player jumps into the pipe.
  3. The second player quickly heads to the other end of the pipe and lifts it up so the partner can gain height.

On the opposite side, the second player presses the button. The device reverses the airflow, allowing the first player to climb into the pipe and get to the opposite side. Use the vacuum cleaner to suck up the red balls while the second player directs the pipe at the platform to weigh it down. Use the platform to get to the other side and jump down. You will face the level boss — the Vacuum Tower.

Chapter 1. Dusty Job: How to Defeat the Vacuum Tower

This enemy uses a single attack. It shoots incendiary spray cans at the heroes. At the other end of the location, you will see a platform that will start to rise after the boss's attack. Here is the correct sequence of actions:

The first player grabs the pipe from below and starts sucking up the incendiary spray cans scattered around the location.

The second player climbs onto the platform and directs the pipe towards the boss.

Repeat the actions until you destroy the Vacuum Tower. When its health level reaches a critical state, approach its pipes and press the key indicated on the screen. If you don't delay and perform all actions smoothly, you can deal with the boss in just two or three rounds.

Chapter 1. Underground

After the boss battle, move forward and watch the video, at the end of which your heroes will gain their first unique abilities:

  • Cody can throw nails at wooden surfaces and secure platforms;
  • May uses a hammer to cling to nails and overcome various obstacles, as well as a striking tool.

Reaching the first puzzle, May must hit the yellow button with the hammer, and while the platform is in the upper position, Cody moves to the other side. When May hits the platform again, Cody should throw a nail into the special hole and temporarily hold the platform in that position. This mechanic will often be encountered at this level.

Next, Cody throws nails into the yellow wooden surfaces so that May can get to the other side using the hammer. May uses the hammer on the mechanism to raise another platform for Cody.

In front of you are two platforms. May hits them with the hammer, and Cody throws the nails. The left platform should be slightly higher than the right one so that both of you can climb up.

In the next location, Cody must help May get to the other side and stand on the hanging platform. When the platform lowers, the connected door will open. You just need to fix it with a nail. Use the nail again to stop the platform and move to the next location.

Now May must overcome all obstacles with Cody's help. Cody throws nails and fixes the needed platforms so that May can pass the test. After overcoming it, Cody stands on the yellow platform, and May hits it with the hammer.

In the next scene, Cody has to pass a test. In front of you is a circular saw moving back and forth. About halfway, there is a platform that you can use to climb up. Wait until the circular saw starts moving away from you and run to the platform. You need to time it right, as May from the opposite side must use the hammer and hit the platform.

After climbing up, switch platforms for May using the nails. Here, many players may encounter the problem of returning nails.

Tip: To make Cody return the needed nail to his inventory, aim the screen at it. Otherwise, when you press the nail return button, the last placed nail will return to your inventory!

When May reaches the two vertical platforms, Cody first activates the left platform. May should cling to it, and then Cody activates the right one. This way, May can climb higher.

This way, you will reach the toolbox. Run along the only path and dodge the falling nails. Eventually, you will find yourself on a small wooden platform where you will have to fight the second boss — the Toolbox.

Chapter 1. Underground: How to Defeat the Toolbox

Pay attention to the boss's hands. On the left hand, you will see two wooden inserts where you can throw nails. When the boss strikes with this hand, Cody must fix it in one position. At this moment, May moves to the boss using the previously placed nails and knocks the locks off the box.

When you manage to knock off the first lock, the Toolbox will start making holes in your platform and will also use the saw. Repeat the actions and get rid of the second lock to move the enemy to the next phase.

Dodge the spade and falling nails. When the Toolbox lowers the hand with the spade to your platform, Cody must manage to climb onto it, and May must hit the yellow button. In flight, Cody throws several nails into the canister on the top part of the Toolbox and destroys it.

Chapter 1. Under Tension

There will be no particular difficulties in this chapter. Use the wires for quick movement through the locations. To deactivate the fans, you will need to press special buttons simultaneously.

Chapter 2. The Tree: Fresh Air

You find yourself on a large tree. Use the hooks to climb higher up the tree and reach the squirrel base. Watch a lengthy cutscene.

Chapter 2. Captivity

From the video, you will learn about the new abilities of the heroes. Cody can spray sap, and May can shoot fiery matches to ignite it. In some moments, you will need to use this mechanic to open passages and fight enemies. From time to time, the player controlling Cody will need to spray sap on wooden objects to weigh them down. To overcome wooden barriers, spray sap directly on the barrier and then ignite it with a match shot.

In the first room, you will have several targets to practice your new abilities. Run forward, May will open the grate with shots, and Cody will spray sap on the raised platform. After crossing to the other side via the platform, May must shoot the sap. The platform will rise again, allowing you to climb even higher.

Here you will see a plant holding a wooden platform. Cody sprays sap on it, and May ignites it. In the next location, you will reach a cage. Use sap to lower it and climb inside. Get out on the other side and spray sap on the cage again. When you are on the roof of the cage, May should get rid of the sap.

In the center of the room, there is a large red box with a target hanging. Cody sprays sap on the wooden structure with a hook to the right of this box and reaches it. When Cody hooks onto one side of the red box, May shoots the targets to turn it in the desired direction.

In the next location, you will find three barrels with platforms that can be rotated using sap. May stands on the hatch cover in the right part of the location, and Cody sprays sap on the barrel attached to it to raise the cover higher. Then May moves across the platforms, and Cody sprays sap in the right direction so that May can proceed further.

Open the passage and descend to the locked hatch held by red clamps. If you spray sap on them and shoot, the clamps will open for a few seconds. You need to spray sap in such a way as to trigger a chain reaction and open all the clamps. There should be enough sap for this.

You will reach a moving platform. Spray sap on the nearest lever to bring the platform to you, then get rid of it using May's weapon.

In the next location, you will be attacked by wasps for the first time. They can be killed with a regular shot from May's weapon or temporarily weakened by spraying sap with Cody's weapon. Since May cannot spam shots and each reload takes quite a bit of time, Cody will have to help his partner and hold off the insects for a while.

Upon reaching the two lifting platforms, Cody should fill them with sap and stand on one first, then the other. May shoots the sap, and Cody crosses to the other side. Here you will see yellow plants blocking the passage. To get rid of them, Cody needs to spray sap from the plant to a place where May can ignite the sap.

Soon you will come to a large door with three levers that need to be sprayed with sap. When the door starts to open, you will be attacked by wasps. The second time, a Wasp Shield — a strong enemy using a shield to protect against direct hits — will join the regular wasps.

Dodge the enemy's attacks, and when it stops, Cody should spray sap on the enemy's vulnerable spot. At this point, May can shoot and deal damage. Repeat these actions until the Wasp Shield is defeated.

Chapter 2. Taking Root

At the beginning of this level, the heroes will be attacked by larvae. They will explode when approaching the heroes. To stop their appearance, destroy the special hives.

Run to the next location. After you lower the first bottle, wasps will start flying out of their nests. Try to lower the remaining two bottles as quickly as possible to block access to the nests and deal with all the enemies.

Upon reaching the open area, the heroes will be attacked by numerous wasp swarms, and then you will have to make a long descent to the tree roots.

After a long descent, you will find yourself on a large wooden cover that you will use as a raft. Cody should steer it, and May should destroy various dangers. Reach the location with jellyfish, light the lanterns using sap, and go through the cave.

At a large cliff, you will see small blue clouds. Use them to fly and cover long distances.

After some time, you and your partner will find yourselves on the back of a giant flying catfish. From time to time, it will dive sharply or flip over, so you need to try not to fall off.

When you reach the wooden platform, dodge the insects and use your weapon to hold off the wasps. Eventually, you will face another boss — the Giant Beetle.

Chapter 2. How to Defeat the Giant Beetle

On a small platform, you will see four holes that can be filled with sap. Do this and lure the beetle into this area to shoot and deal damage.

Chapter 2. Liquidation

After the battle with the beetle, mount it and run along the only path with obstacles. Cody should control the insect, and May should timely get rid of the incoming wasps and other obstacles in the way. Eventually, you will reach the Wasp Queen, whom you also need to fight.

Chapter 2. How to Defeat the Wasp Queen

The queen is a mechanical robot protected by live insects. The battle tactics with her are quite simple:

  • A live shield of insects appears in front of the queen, as well as another swarm that will attack the heroes;
  • You need to destroy the two swarms to weaken the queen and expose her vulnerable spots (these spots are marked with red crosses);
  • Cody sprays sap on the queen's vulnerable spots, and May ignites the sap;
  • To do the same on the back of the robot, you will need to use the rail.

When the queen has less than half of her health left, she will move into the second phase. At this point, several wasp swarms in the form of military bombers will begin attacking the heroes. The camera will rise above the heroes, and you will need to dodge these attacks by all means. If both heroes die at this stage, you will have to start almost from the beginning.

After some time, when the queen is almost destroyed, the battle platform will collapse, and Cody and May will remain on the rail, riding around the robot. Now the queen has only one vulnerable spot left — the chain that holds the mechanism. Get rid of it to finish the fight.

Chapter 2. Escape

After watching the cutscene, the heroes will have to perform different functions again. Cody should control the makeshift airplane, and May should shoot at obstacles, igniting them.

When you get out of the tree trunk, you will be attacked by the squirrel leader named Chief. Cody continues to control the airplane, and May fights the squirrel one-on-one. At this moment, the game turns into a real fighting game. You must defeat the Chief to continue the passage. He is a rather slow opponent, but from time to time he uses magical strikes and fast attacks, which are difficult to dodge. It's better not to let it come to that!

After the battle, you need to glide to your house and get into Rose's room.

Chapter 3. Rose's Room: Pillow Fort

Explore Rose's room for several mini-games, after which you will meet the astronaut monkey. From this moment, your heroes will have new abilities:

Cody can increase or decrease in size;

May can move on special white surfaces, regardless of the laws of gravity.

To leave the room, Cody needs to shrink and pass under the door. On the other side, Cody increases in size and presses the large red button. After reaching the robot-shaped machine, Cody shrinks again, enters the machine through a small hole, and interacts with the battery. At this moment, May switches the lever. Remember this mechanic, as it will appear throughout the chapter.

Chapter 3. On the Milky Way

Climbing higher, you will see several portals. Each of them represents a small challenge.

Challenge. First Floor (Red Portal)

Get to the central makeshift planet. This can be done using the rails and nearby flying planets. Inside, you will see two red balls hanging on a rope. May needs to climb onto the first ball, and Cody needs to increase in size and push it towards the second ball. May jumps onto the second ball and then onto a special platform.

The player controlling May will see red buttons above. Each button corresponds to a separate box that can be pulled out. Press the buttons in such a sequence that Cody can climb up.

Having done this, you will find a familiar robot that needs to be activated using a battery and a lever.

Challenge. First Floor (Green Portal)

This challenge is a 2D platformer where you need to follow one path but in different ways. May climbs onto the ceiling and continues to move almost to the end. In some places, Cody will need to shrink or, on the contrary, increase in size.

Challenge. First Floor (Purple Portal)

You find yourself on a large platform with an unusual ball. May jumps onto the ball, and Cody increases in size and pushes it towards the wall so that May can climb higher and grab the glass cube. Then May moves the cube down for Cody, Cody jumps onto the cube and shrinks in size.

Challenge. Second Floor (Orange Portal)

Move across the pillows to the central platform. There is a seesaw here, with which Cody can throw May higher. May jumps onto the platform with springs, then jumps onto the seesaw to throw Cody up.

After climbing onto the platform, Cody increases in size and lowers it so that May can also climb up. Then Cody shrinks, and both heroes reach the platform with the robot.

Challenge. Second Floor (Blue Portal)

In this challenge, Cody needs to shrink in size and climb into the arcade machine. May launches a ball with Cody through the machine and opens/closes the flaps at the right moment. It's best to launch the ball from the right side, as there are the fewest obstacles.

Cody reaches the finish and opens the passage for May. In the next room, Cody controls an umbrella-like device and moves May around the room so she can open the next passage.

Challenge. Second Floor (Purple Portal)

Here you need to find and bring several lightning-shaped statuettes to the central platform to power the familiar robot.

  1. The first statuette is located to the right of the platform. Cody needs to shrink in size, go through the pipe, and take it.
  2. The second statuette is also located to the right of the robot and can be taken by any player. Ride the rails to the platform suspended in space to get to it.
  3. The third statuette is located to the left of the robot. Any hero can get to it. Just move to the platform using the moving cubes.
  4. The fourth statuette can only be taken by May. To the left of the robot, reach the special platform that this hero can stand on, ignoring gravity. Get to the dome under which the statuette is located and ask Cody to increase in size to press the large red button in front of the robot. When this happens, the dome will lift, and you can take the statuette.

Chapter 3. How to Defeat the Space Monkey

The monkey uses a laser for attacks. One player must distract the boss while the other finds and stands on one of the several glowing platforms. The player distracting the monkey runs behind the raised platform so that the boss breaks the glass platform and takes damage.

Repeat these actions until the heroes get rid of the laser on the monkey's flying saucer. After this, the tactics will change slightly. The boss will launch one rocket at each hero. You need to use acceleration and dash to stay as far away from the rockets as possible. At some point, the rockets will run out of fuel, descend to the ground, and you can take control. Direct the rockets at the boss's flying saucer until he moves to the third phase.

The last phase is a serious challenge, mainly for the player controlling May. While Cody tries to reach the boss's cabin inside the flying saucer, May needs to stay alive as long as possible by dodging numerous monkey attacks.

After this, the monkey will leave the flying saucer, and you will be able to control it. On Cody's screen, you see the approximate direction of the boss on the radar and must aim the weapon and shoot when the monkey is nearby. Meanwhile, May controls the flying saucer. After a few hits, the monkey will surrender, and you can move on to the next level.

Chapter 3. Classics

After the cutscene with Rose, you will find yourself in her room again. Use the cubes to open paths and follow the storyline. When you reach the location with cubes depicting animals, stop. One player must stay near the cubes and stand on them in a certain sequence. Meanwhile, your partner follows the rails and tells you the pictures to stand on.

The correct sequence:

  1. Pig.
  2. Mouse.
  3. Horse.
  4. Mouse.
  5. Pig or horse.
  6. Bear.

Once on the next platform, the first player goes along the rails, and the second presses the cubes:

  1. Frog.
  2. Dog.
  3. Lion.
  4. Sheep.
  5. Frog.
  6. Lion.

Thus, you will end up in the same room, from where you will need to climb into the school auditorium. Here you will face several simple challenges.

Challenge (Math Problems)

In front of you on the table are nine numbers from 1 to 9. On the left is a timer, and on the right, a specific number will appear. You need to create an equation that matches the given number. It's simple, isn't it?

Challenge (Find the Pair)

On the next table are 12 cards, each depicting two identical fruits and berries. You need to find a pair for each card and make fewer than 7 mistakes. If you don't meet this number, you will have to start the challenge again.

Challenge (Connect the Dots)

This is the most difficult challenge presented at this level. You need to use a pencil to draw a picture by connecting the dots within a certain time. The pencil must be used by both players:

  • Cody can move the pencil up and down;
  • May moves the pencil left and right.

When you get out of the school auditorium, you will find yourself on a table with two platforms. You need to roll the yellow ball between the holes and place it in the special green box. To do this, move around the platform in the desired directions.

Now you will face a small corridor with obstacles. Once in a room with several pillows and air pumps, proceed as follows:

  1. One player (e.g., May) stands on the pillow to which the red hose is connected.
  2. Cody jumps on the pump, May is thrown into the air, and she grabs the hook on the ceiling (this hook temporarily activates the rotating platform, which can also be grabbed).
  3. Before the platform returns to its original position, May stands on the pillow on the left, and Cody uses the corresponding pump.

Repeat these actions in the same sequence, but for Cody. In the remaining part of the level, you need to use the spinner to stay in the air for a long time, and also look for levers to stop the flow of balls.

After a while, you will reach Rose's kaleidoscope. The only not obvious puzzle here is to repaint the tiles to open the passage. On the walls, you will see glowing tiles on both sides, which need to be connected with one color. Just step on the tiles to change their color.

Chapter 3. Railway Station

Once at the railway station, inspect the toy town and find several figurines.

  • Worker figurine;
  • Girl figurine;
  • Boy figurine;
  • Engineer figurine: on the far building on the right side of the location.

Use the handcar to reach the next level.

Chapter 3. Dinosaurland

In this level, you need to divide the roles:

  • One player takes control of the large dinosaur in the center of the location;
  • The partner climbs onto the platform next to the handcar and controls the small dinosaur.

The first player, controlling the large dinosaur, must move the necessary platforms for the second player, who moves on the small dinosaur. Some platforms will be flipped, and the first player won't be able to grab them until their partner uses special buttons.

At first, everything will be simple, but the last two platforms may cause difficulties. Ask the partner controlling the large dinosaur to grab the platform available to them, and then hit the button yourself to flip the second platform with the bone towards them. This way, your partner can move you across the gap.

You will need to perform this trick several times, but you already understand the principle and can continue the passage without any problems.

Chapter 3. Pirates on Deck

Now you take control of a toy ship. Each player controls one paddle, so your movements must be synchronized. If one player turns right and the other turns left, the ship won't turn in any direction. Sail forward, dealing with enemy ships, until you reach the octopus.

Chapter 3. How to Defeat the Giant Octopus

This is one of the easiest bosses in the game. He is very slow, so you can quickly deal with him. From time to time, the boss will raise his tentacles and try to hit you. Turn the ship and shoot the tentacle several times with the cannons, then continue attacking the boss.

Chapter 3. The Main Show

In the next level, you need to lower the bridge that leads to the Elephant's castle. To do this, move the iron ball from one clown toy to another in various ways. When you reach the cannon, with which you need to shoot down several balls with targets, one player must climb inside and calculate the flight trajectory, and the partner must fire the shot.

The farthest ball is the most difficult, as you not only need to aim properly but also fire the cannon in time to hit the timing of the closing shutters.

Take the iron ball to the slingshot and shoot it at the giant ball holding the bridge.

Chapter 3. In a Distant Kingdom

Once in the castle, don't rush to follow the storyline. Here you will find many interesting interactive items and several mini-games to diversify the passage.

In any case, you need to get to the upper platform with the crane, take the bowling ball, turn the platform, and knock out the main gates of the castle.

Chapter 3. Dungeon Dwellers

After the cutscene, your characters acquire special abilities, and the gameplay will more resemble an isometric role-playing game.

Cody's Abilities:

  • Can teleport a short distance through walls;
  • Shoots a long freezing beam;
  • In close combat, attacks with a stream of cold, which also freezes lava (this will be needed later to cross gaps);
  • Ultimate ability: Cody releases a frost beam that deals massive damage to enemies in the area of effect.

May's Abilities:

  • Can quickly move long distances (crossing large gaps);
  • Attacks with a sword in close combat;
  • Strikes the ground and causes enemies to catch fire;
  • Ultimate ability: May creates a fire cloud around herself that deals massive damage to all enemies in the radius of effect.

In this level, you need to move forward and destroy all enemies in your path. Use the heroes' abilities to the maximum to reduce the time it takes to complete the level. When you reach the final room, a huge doll will attack your friends. Destroy the walls to hide from it, and at the last moment, deal with all the chains on the left side of the room.

Chapter 3. How to Defeat the Bull

Once in the arena, you need to fight a toy bull. Here you will see several chains holding the grate in the center of the arena. Lure the bull to the wall with the chain to get rid of it. Repeat the actions four times, then hit the boss's hands.

Chapter 3. How to Defeat the King and Queen

To defeat this boss, you just need to use all your abilities. After the victory, watch the cutscene with the Elephant.

Chapter 3. The Queen

The Elephant will hide from you in a toy machine. To get her out, control the lifting mechanism using the arrows. Your target moves along a roughly fixed route, so you just need to press the button in advance and grab her.

Chapter 4. Cuckoo Clock: Gates of Time

When the heroes realize that their method didn't work, the Book will suggest they undergo family therapy and send them to the Gates of Time, granting them new abilities.

  • Cody can control time, rewinding it at the right moments;
  • May can leave a clone in any place and teleport to it when necessary.

To learn how to use the abilities, Cody must approach the broken bird statue and rewind time. The same trick needs to be done with the broken wall blocking the passage.

May, in turn, must approach a locked door and leave a clone there. When the partners activate two levers, the door will open for a short time. May quickly teleports to her clone and manages to pass through the door.

Cody reaches a broken lever with a hook, rewinds time, and holds it for May. The partner crosses to the other side and presses the button. At this moment, a passage will open where you will see another broken bird statue. Cody rewinds time, and May sets a clone under the statue. When the bird is destroyed, May teleports to this area, and Cody lifts the partner up by rewinding time.

In the opened room, Cody restores another statue, and May stands on a black platform. If Cody returns everything to its place, the platform will rise and push May forward. Using the same principle, Cody lifts the partner higher.

In the next room, there are three buttons. Each of them opens a specific lever. Cody must stand on one button, and May uses a clone to press the remaining two.

Another puzzle on this level will be the door mechanism that needs to be opened. Using his ability, Cody lifts the bell above the right button, and May uses a clone and interacts with both buttons simultaneously.

This way, you will enter a huge part of the toy city. As in the castle location, do not rush to follow the plot — here you will find several mini-games, many interactive items, and even a separate challenge.

When you are ready, head along the tracks to the barrier in front of the building. You will see an improvised fire that needs to be extinguished. Cody uses his abilities to lower and raise the drawn rain, while May moves the cloud in the desired direction.

Reaching the drawbridge, May uses a clone to activate two buttons and lower both parts of the bridge for a few seconds, and Cody rewinds time to hold them.

Once at the large gates with clocks, you need to set the hands as shown on the tower behind the gates.

Chapter 4. Clock Mechanisms

Use new friends to fly over the ground. Now you need to destroy the dome that prevents access to the main tower. To do this, head to one of the two small towers and solve several puzzles.

Chapter 4. First Tower

In the first tower, you will find a round platform with images of animals, the moon, and the sun. Cody lifts a destroyed bridge for May. The partner sets a clone near the entrance and returns back. When the door opens, May uses the ability to teleport and enter the room.

In this room, you will see several clocks above which are the same images as on the round platform. The player controlling Cody must activate them in the correct sequence:

  1. Bee.
  2. Bird.
  3. Cat.
  4. Moon.
  5. Dog.
  6. Sun.

When the upper part of the first tower is destroyed, you will be able to find lights in the sky and throw them into the device that supports the central dome.

Chapter 4. Second Tower

In the second tower, you will see three-colored clocks. When the hand is pointed at a certain color, the corresponding platform will be active. In the next hall, the task becomes a bit more complicated. Cody needs to restore the bridge for May. The partner crosses the bridge and finds two buttons — green and blue. Using these buttons, May can change the color of some platforms so that Cody can get to the other side and activate the button.

Once you get out of the tower, destroy both devices protecting the dome and open the gates to the central tower.

Chapter 4. Echoes of the Past

Once inside, the game will try to kill the heroes. The wall in the room will start moving towards you. May should approach the wall closely and set a clone. When the wall gets a bit closer, May teleports behind it and activates the lever.

Head to the main hall with the statue. Find the rails that lead to the next puzzle. First, Cody activates the ability for May to climb higher. Then Cody needs to restore both platforms. At this moment, the game suggests you act synchronously, as one platform will be destroyed and the other restored with the change of time. But you can set the slider roughly in the center (slightly to the right of the center) so that May can walk across the platforms.

May lowers the cage with the key to the ground, after which it breaks and falls. Cody rewinds time back to when the cage is up, and May leaves a clone under the cage. This way, she can get inside the cage when it falls. To get out, repeat these actions in reverse order.

Return to the main hall and find the passage to the second key. Here, Cody needs to control time, moving various platforms for May. After obtaining both keys, insert them into the platforms in the main hall and turn them. Now you will face a boss fight.

Chapter 4. How to Defeat the Wind-Up Bull

Cody activates the platform at the far end of the room, and May uses a clone anywhere, away from the platform, and stands on it. At this moment, the wooden plate lowers and attracts the bull's attention. When the boss starts charging, May teleports to her clone, the boss crashes into the pedestal, and the bust falls on him. Repeat these actions three times, and the bull will be defeated.

Run forward all the time, opening new paths using your abilities. When you find yourself in a time loop, you will need to break all the clocks on the platform. After doing this, reach the main clock and watch the cutscene.

Chapter 5. Snow Globe: The Ice Has Moved

In this chapter, the heroes will gain new abilities:

  • Cody can attract blue magnets and repel red magnets;
  • May, on the contrary, attracts red magnets and repels blue magnets.

This mechanic is very simple, so there is no point in describing each activity during the passage. When you need to lower a bridge or obstacle, pay attention to the color of the magnet on it.

When you reach the tower with mechanisms, Cody attracts the blue mechanism and turns it the other way for May. And to restore the bridge and reach the small hut, Cody pushes the first part of the bridge from the left side, and May attracts it from the right side. Cody climbs onto the bridge and attracts the second part of the bridge.

Upon reaching the frozen settlement, you need to climb the central tower and ring the bell. To do this, Cody pulls the platform with the blue magnet, lifting the stone, while May climbs up and interacts with the bell.

Chapter 5. Winter Village

This will bring you to the main settlement, which needs to be thawed using three towers. Besides the main task, you can also find many side activities and mini-games here. Some activities can earn you achievements!

Left Tower

To access this tower, May uses a rotating mechanism, and Cody clings to its main part.

Central Tower

Any player uses a small platform with a blue magnet to rotate the large platform that has blue and red magnets. When the hero grabs the magnet of the opposite color, their partner turns the main platform so that the magnet of the hero's color is under the first player. This way, they can jump up and reach the bell.

Right Tower

To reach this tower, Cody uses a catapult with red magnets and shoots them at the walls. The magnets will start sliding down immediately, so May needs to move across them as quickly as possible. It looks something like what is shown in the screenshot below.

When the bells on all three towers are activated, access to the platform in the center of the village will open, and you can move on to the next level.

Chapter 5. Under the Ice

Upon reaching the candy factory, you need to repair three generators. Three pipes of different colors lead from the main platform: red, blue, and green.

Red Pipe

Following the red pipe, you will find yourself at a large capsule. May must open the passage for Cody, then turn the platform inside the capsule so that Cody can get out and press the button.

Blue Pipe

This pipe leads to the bottom of the reservoir. Here you will see several valves with loose bolts and a hostile fish. In the center of the location, find a wrench, which you need to use to tighten the loose bolts.

Green Pipe

Follow the green pipe until you reach the surface. Here you need to go through a small obstacle course to reach the main lever and turn it using your magnets.

Chapter 5. Slippery Slopes

This level will begin when you return to the factory and interact with the only lever. Slide down the slope until you reach a crack in the ice. Use the magnet to move the ice block and help Cody climb to the elevation. The player controlling Cody climbs up and breaks the ice block, thus opening the path for May.

Follow ahead, interacting with each other, until a cutscene with the magic book begins. After this, the heroes will gain a new ability — they can attract each other using their magnets. Use this ability and reach the slope with the magnetic signs. Note that the signs come in two colors — red and blue. The player with the red magnet can attract to the blue signs and vice versa. At the same time, the second player should attract to the first to avoid being blown away by the strong wind.

Upon reaching the wooden shelters, Cody needs to help May get to the opposite side, then return back. When you are facing each other, simultaneously press the ability activation key to attract to each other. This way, you will complete this chapter.

Chapter 6. Garden: Skilled Gardener

In this chapter, your characters will gain new abilities:

  • Cody can grab plants using the flower on his head. He can also use special spots in the ground to transform into various plants.
  • May attacks enemies with a sickle and waters dry soil with water to allow Cody to transform into a specific plant.

After dealing with the first enemy, reach the pot with dry soil and water it. Cody should use the pot to transform into a dandelion and get to the other side. After doing this, grab the branch using the flower on your head and hold it until May gets close to you.

In the next location, you will find a similar pot with dry soil that needs to be watered. Using it, Cody should transform into a cactus and get rid of the plants blocking the way.

After doing this, you will find another pot that allows Cody to transform into a flower and release leaves. The leaves can be released an unlimited number of times, and this is needed for May to get to the other side.

The player controlling May should find a blue plant resembling a pitcher and fill it with water. A passage will open, through which Cody, in the guise of a flower, will help May reach the weed and destroy it.

In the next location, you will face the boss Mole. The strategy for fighting him is quite simple:

  • Dodge the boss's attacks and wait for him to emerge from the ground;
  • When the boss does this, Cody should grab him with his tendril and hold for a few seconds while May strikes the boss with her sickle.

Repeat these actions until you defeat the Mole. Be careful, as other enemies may appear on the map from time to time, which will definitely interfere with your battle.

Chapter 6. Weeding

Upon reaching the greenhouse, you will encounter fewer puzzles but more battles with various creatures. Win the first fight to tame two spiders and reach the broken wooden wheel. May should use a water jet to remove the slime from the tree bark and open the way for Cody. The second player, having reached the wheel, uses the sprout on their head and moves the wheel so that May can pass.

At the end of this level, you will face an extended battle with two large weeds that will periodically attack the heroes and release small plants. The strategy for fighting them is similar to that of the Mole:

  • When the weed releases a bunch of small enemies, get rid of them;
  • Cody should grab one of the enemies with his sprout and hold it while May strikes the enemy with her sickle.

After dealing with the two weeds, Cody transforms into a cactus and shoots the incoming enemies. At this moment, May should fill the flower with water to get to the opposite side and complete the level.

Chapter 6. On Foreign Territory

After a short cutscene, you will find yourself in a damp cave. Try not to make noise. To do this, move only on green grass and other plants. At some point, a noise meter will appear in the center of the screen. We recommend jumping alternately, as the loudest sounds are made by jumps.

Upon reaching the broken jug, water it so Cody can get underground. From this moment, the player controlling Cody can create a grass cover under their partner to prevent unnecessary noise. Follow deeper into the cave until the moles wake up and a real chase begins. When you manage to escape, the level will end.

Chapter 6. Frog Pond

After watching the video, you will meet two frogs that you will control almost until the end of the level. Run forward until you reach a large pool with tiles. You need to move across these tiles sequentially. First, one player stands on a tile to make the next one appear, then the second player moves to the appeared tile. Continue jumping on new tiles until you cross the pool.

When you dismount from the frogs, open the sewer hatch using the sprout on Cody's head so that your partner can pass. Now the player controlling May should fill the sinks with water, and the second player should climb up them.

After doing this, Cody should use the lever to help May climb up and destroy the weed.

Chapter 6. Get Rid of the Infection

At the beginning of the level, you can find the mini-game Snail Race. Upon reaching the greenhouse, the player controlling Cody transforms into a mushroom and helps their partner jump higher. Upon reaching the three jugs, May pours water into the plants in such a sequence that Cody can climb up the petals.

Having sneaked into the greenhouse, you will face a few simple battles with weeds. They are all quite similar, so there won't be any problems. Once you deal with the weeds on the first and second floors, get ready to face the boss.

From this point on, Cody will occasionally transform into various vegetables and must destroy the appearing weeds. May, in turn, should get rid of the slime on the ground, which prevents Cody from gaining speed and ramming the plants.

The battle consists of four stages:

  1. In the first stage, you need to fight the weeds;
  2. In the second stage, dodge the weed attacks in time;
  3. Fight the weeds again;
  4. Move across ceramic platforms and dodge the weed attacks (the platforms will gradually break over time).

Chapter 7. The Attic: Stage Preparation

In this chapter, your heroes acquire new abilities:

  • Cody can throw a cymbal from a drum kit and use it as a shield;
  • May should use her voice to interact with certain objects.

Climb the boxes to the elevation and use the lever to trigger a cutscene. This will take you to the recording studio, where you can find many interactive objects. First, Cody should throw the cymbal at the videotape, which is wound with magnetic tape, several times, after which May can push the tape using her ability. During this level, some doors can only be opened in this way, using May's voice.

In the next room, May uses her voice to lift the CDs and cross to the other side. Note that you can't use May's ability indefinitely, so we advise you not to delay and cross the CDs as quickly as possible.

Now May should use her ability on the microphone to activate the speaker. Repeat these actions on the next speaker, and when sliding down the platform made of speakers, use the ability again. While in flight, time will slow down, and Cody can throw the cymbal at the button of the music machine to open the lid. Insert two coins into the machine and climb inside.

Go to the far part of the music machine so Cody can get to the electronic boards. The player controlling May can use the heroine's voice to send an impulse to the speaker that Cody is holding. This way, you will help your partner get rid of various elements blocking the passage on the electronic board.

Place the speaker in front of the microphone behind the electronic board, then move the volume control and use May's voice. This will take you to a new location.

In this part of the walkthrough, you will use Cody's cymbal as a shield. To protect, press the corresponding button and turn the shield in the desired direction. When you reach the cliff, you will see a multicolored platform and four microphones connected by wires of different colors. Using these microphones, May should move the platform with Cody to the left side. After doing this, Cody can get rid of the wire and open the passage for you.

Walk across the instruments to the cassette player and close the two cassette covers. Now Cody needs to control two discs to move the platforms, while May climbs up the platforms.

When you do this, you will encounter wires in the form of snakes. To destroy them, May must aim the cursor at the snake and use her voice. When the snake's vulnerable part opens, Cody should throw the cymbal at it.

Continue moving forward, destroying the snakes or simply calming them with your voice if necessary. When you meet the main opponent, just run forward, avoiding obstacles.

Chapter 7. Rehearsal

At the beginning of this level, you will see three MIDI keyboards. You need to activate at least half of the buttons on each keyboard, after which you can open the passage. Upon reaching the dark room, you will again need to complete a small challenge. Cody must move across platforms, staying within the spotlight. If you stay in the dark for a few seconds, the character will start taking damage and may die.

The player controlling the spotlight must also highlight the lamps, which in turn activate passages for Cody. At some point, you will have the opportunity to control two spotlights at once. One should always be over Cody, and the other should highlight the lamps to open passages.

Upon reaching the switch, interact with it and watch the cutscene that will end the level.

Chapter 7. Symphony

At the beginning of the level, we advise you to explore the room and find the mini-game Chess as well as other interactive objects. When you are ready, go to the gates and open them. Find the flute among various musical instruments and use it to help Cody get to the opposite side. This will lead you to a room with an accordion.

The instrument periodically releases a strong gust of wind, which can be shielded by Cody. When you get behind the accordion, reach the lever, activate it, and watch the cutscene.

This will take you to a new location where you need to complete two small challenges to save the improvised orchestra. Collect the scattered notes in the location to open locked doors and start the challenge.

How to Pass the Cloud Room

In this room, you will see several clouds and a locked cage. Cody can use the cymbal on the clouds to make it rain. May, in turn, should move the clouds using her voice. The rain will help disperse the fog in the lower part of the location and find two levers that need to be interacted with. When you do this, several demons will appear. Defeat them and take the two keys from the cage.

How to Pass the Demon Room

Here you just need to defeat all the demons and take two keys from them. The demons will not give you the keys easily. They will try to pass them to each other, so you will need to work together.

Chapter 7. Everyone to the Dance Floor (Final)

There will be no difficult puzzles or challenges on this level. Just move forward and try to avoid various obstacles. When you reach the nightclub at the DJ's place, interact with the instruments one by one to warm up the audience and complete the level. Watch the final cutscene.

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