Players find themselves in a world gripped by a zombie apocalypse, where the main task is survival. During the day, they search for resources, build... Read more
Makes the toaster searchable. The probability of finding 0-2 sandwiches. Works in an already created world, but only in unexplored areas. For already explored areas, you need to reset the POI. Installation: unpack into the Mods folder (create if mi ...
Makes the piano searchable. Likely loot: pistols and knives (like in toilets, but without paper and water). Works in an already created world, but only in unexplored areas. For already explored areas, you need to reset the POI. Installation: unpack ...
Makes the ice maker searchable. It is possible to get up to 100 units of snow. Works in an already created world, but only in unexplored areas. For already explored areas, you need to reset the POI. Installation: unpack into the Mods folder (create ...
Balanced_CanCraft. This is a mod that allows you to turn food into a can and then into good food. But I didn't want it to be too simple, so I tried my best to make it balanced. Recipes are gradually unlocked with the Chef skill: - Broth, miso and ...
Old Style Loot. This mod brings back the old loot distribution system. For those who are not entirely satisfied with the new Stone Age. How to install: 1 In Steam, right-click 7 Days to Die and select properties. 2 Go to the Local Files tab and c ...
FarmLifeV3 Update 18.4. This mod significantly changes the farming in the game and also fixes many bugs. Added many cooking stations, multi-level food processing, livestock farming and much more.