Players find themselves in a world gripped by a zombie apocalypse, where the main task is survival. During the day, they search for resources, build... Read more
The Grasscutter. This mod will add a new tool called - Grasscutter, which will quickly and easily mow and collect plant fibers. Available for A18 and A19. Features: - 20 block ranges - 900 discharges per minute. - Car repair - No loss of stami ...
The Tracker Perk by jayfusion. This mod improves the "creature tracking" perk by reintroducing levels 4 and 5 to be able to track nearby zombies and players. Level 4, which requires Perception Level 9, unlocks Zombie and Animal Zombie Tracking. Level ...
Reusable Schematics. This mod is a simple XML mod that allows you to reuse schematics and perk books! Currently for A18. Also, the author removed the XP boost, since it is now repeating.
Coffee of the Damned. This mod adds a bunch of fun things for making coffee. Does not remove old coffee. What's new: 3 new coffee drinks, 1 new work station, 2 tools and a found food item. All of this is integrated into loot tables and merchant in ...
OneNightStand Mod. The idea of this mod is to play a game that lasts only 1-1.5 hours. After this time has passed, a really hard blood moon comes and you must survive.
Circular Saw. This is a simple mod that will add two new items to the game. Tool a circular saw and a propane tank. All items are made of high quality and have excellent detail.
Weapons of Some Destruction A18. This mod adds 14 new types of melee weapons to the game, as well as the legendary compound bow! Works only with Alpha 18.0+. Among the weapons you will find various swords, axes, maces and so on.
Chaotic's RPD. This mod adds a police station to the game, based on the image from the Resident Evil 2 remake. The author tried to make the site as recognizable as possible, but the game is missing many details, so there are slight differences with t ...
No remove falling trees. In the original game, fallen trees disappear after 3 seconds, but with this mod, trees disappear only after 3,000,000 seconds.
Ultimate Vehicle Mod. This mod adds vehicles that will appear in various parts of the map. You'll also find prefabricated structures that can be upgraded to functioning vehicles. There are 46 base cars in this release. 31 are civilian vehicles, and t ...
Ammo stacking to 1500. This mod increases the number of rounds in each clip to 1500! Clips will be replenished in rifles, pistols and shotguns. Mod installation: just download the zip file then copy and paste into the folder: steamapps/common/7 Da ...
FarmLifeV3 Update 18.4. This mod significantly changes the farming in the game and also fixes many bugs. Added many cooking stations, multi-level food processing, livestock farming and much more.