Continuation of the series of popular flight simulators Ace Combat. The plot of the game tells about the second continental war, where the player... Read more
Author: FLiNG
Edition: Steam
Version: 1.01
Language: Eng
Functions: 6
Release date: 05.22.2019
Trainer features:
- Indestructibility (Inf. Health)
- Besk. Missiles (Inf. Missiles)
- Besk. Flares (Inf. Flares)
- Fast Weapon CD
- Besk. Timer (Inf. Timer)
- Besk. MRP (Inf. MRP)
Автор: FLiNG
Издание: Steam
Версия: 1.01
Язык: Eng
Функций: 6
Дата выпуска: 22.05.2019
Возможности трейнера:
- Неразрушимость (Inf. Health)
- Беск. Ракеты (Inf. Missiles)
- Беск. Вспышки (Inf. Flares)
- Быстрая Перезарядка Оружия (Fast Weapon CD)
- Беск. Таймер (Inf. Timer)
- Беск. MRP (Inf. MRP)
Useful links: