Games Age of Empires 2 HD All reviews

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This is a re-release of the original game. There are no changes to the campaigns - they are still gorgeous. In my opinion, there is no point in talking about add-ons here, since the site has sections for individual DLS.

The music is excellent - it really helps to increase the level of completion.

AI of computer players has been increased. They are very aggressive even from the first minutes of battles.

But it’s no longer worth buying this game as there is already a Definite Edition with all the additions at the time of publication.

Дамир (гость)
February 2, 2020

Great game! I like it. The only problem is that after 5 saved games, you launch the saved one, everything goes out, Windows won’t start. Now the game starts, but it doesn’t go further than the general menu - everything crashes, along with Windows. I haven’t figured out what’s what yet.
