E3 2014. Announcement of a new part in the AC series with the subtitle Unity. Revolutionary Paris, a huge open world in which buildings are recreated one to one, beautiful graphics that have surpassed all previous games. Now it’s time for release, and what’s the result? A terribly buggy and crooked game that slows down even on top-end PCs. As always, Ubisoft has "excellent" optimization. What else can you expect after so many games in which she also limped? It seems that the game has new gameplay, but no, it is the same, just slightly redone. The only thing that is more or less pleasing is the redesigned parkour system. And so they removed the ability to fight with a hidden blade, crammed in a bunch of unnecessary customization items, and hiding from the guards on a bench is now a special ability that can be bought with experience points. Based on the plot, we can say that it turned out to be a rather boring story. On your way through the game, all this will stop you. Only the very patient will get through Unity to the end.