Batman: Arkham Origins is a continuation of the adventure stealth action game with a third-person view in the Batman Arkham universe. The game takes... Read more
Saving features: Completed the main game; Lots of upgrade points; Particularly dangerous tasks have been completed (except for Enigma); All towers are unlocked; All repeaters have been destroyed; There are a number of items and tests le ...
Save at 51%, completed the storyline on a difficult level, opened New Game+. 3 out of 4 criminals caught, Enigma 84%. Trials of the Dark Knight: Section 1 14 of 15 Section 2 Completed 3 section 5 of 15 Section 4 completed All improvements except 1 (a ...
Completed everything 100%, except for a few tests of Deathstroke in the “I Am the Night” mode, Sketches 81-120, I don’t know where else to find them, I’m thinking about doing multiplayer
The archive "Save.Batman.Arkham.Origins.Condemned123.7z" contains step-by-step saves (99 folders), detailed walkthrough of the plot, walkthrough of additional missions and description of secret item locations (with maps): data blocks, diaries, Anark ...
Completed everything!!! 100% of the game. Completed all tests with Batman, Deathstroke and Young Bruce Wayne. Completed New Game, New Game+ and the “I Am the Night” mode. Also completed all additional missions for all modes. Enigma has been captured! ...
Save for the game Batman Arkham Origins The game is 23% complete! - Completely completed the storyline - Anarky missions completed 100% - Enigma missions completed by 8%
Batman: Arkham Origins: SaveGame (Game completed at 42%), +ColdColdHeart DLC. ColdColdHeart DLC is a bit buggy, so several saves were made at buggy spots in the game. Storyline completed at 42%, side missions not completed (including Cold, Cold Heart ...
This save is intended for those who do not want to go through the game 3 times with one life, in order to get the achievement on steam (I am the night). After installing this save, all you have to do is punch the Joker in the face.
(Game completed 63%) All the villains have been caught, Batman's tests have been passed 100%, the dark knight costume has been received) [Steam]