Blade and Sorcery is an exciting action game with a first-person view in a fantasy setting for virtual reality devices HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Valve... Read more
Blade and No Magic (U10). Removes the ability to use any spells, spell wheel, time dilation and telekinesis. I recommend trying to use this mod and speedrunning Dungeons. How fast can you complete Dungeons without magic?
Harder-to-kill-enemies (U10). The mod was made so that you can hit people in the head 10 times in a row and they won't die! If you want to change the enemies' health, just select the json wave and change the multiplier.
Better AI(U10). All enemies attack 30% faster and have better blocking/footwork to make combat more challenging (attack speed adjustable). To install, go to D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Blade & Sorcery/BladeAndSorcery_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods. Then si ...
Wings (fly) (U10). Fighting on the ground is no longer fun. Luckily, you don't have to anymore! The Wings mod allows you to fly through the air. While flying, you are immune to any form of fall damage, and picking up NPCs will destabilize them, allow ...
Fast Respawn (U10). Replaces the annoying wait for the menu book with fast automatic respawn. You can still see your stats from your previous life!
Stronger Punches (U10). This mod basically increases the power of your hits. The author did this because he thought the force of the blows was weak, so he simply increased the force.
Dynamic Handles Everywhere (U10). Using the lilhusky framework, this adds dynamic handles to all weapons! Even modified. Now you can quickly flip any item.
Graceful Chickens (U10). The chicks will fall smoothly to avoid falling damage! You can still throw them, if they fall off the ledge they will fall down and most likely survive!
Hand Dynamics (U10). Allows AI to grab onto surfaces when falling! They will cling to their lives until they get tired and let go! This mod is designed to increase your immersion and fun by showcasing new mechanics for the game.
Auto Load Dungeons(U10). Bypass the character selection screen and return home to automatically load into the dungeon after starting Blade and Sorcery.