The same cabbage soup only with meat. By meat I mean, finally, beautiful graphics, gorgeous videos and Kevin Spacey.
In general, the game does not provide anything new. The exoskeleton is basically useless in company. He can’t offer anything other than jumping to the 2nd floor/bus, killing the enemy and back to where he jumped from because there’s a cloud of enemies ahead. We have already seen somewhere around 30-40% in the game in other games in the series. I'm silent about other "copyings" from other games. And not only that.
Let's say a runaway on a motorcycle - snowmobiles MW2, the same small part where the main character is without a weapon (2nd time in the entire series, where have we seen this? Right) The same with the tank at the beginning of the game - analogue from again MW2 with a helicopter. And this just came to mind first. Well, I’m silent about the similarity of elements with Titanfall, Metro, Crysis. This is not bad. As the author noted, this fits perfectly into the local gameplay, but it no longer causes “WOW”.
“I’ve already seen everything, everything is wrong” (c)
The game is practically not remembered. A week after the game, I doubt you will remember more than 2-3 moments.