Games Call of Duty: Warzone All reviews Review from s1mpleDan

how to stop all wars and racism on the planet? Anyone whose Ego and emotional stress is off the charts, and uncontrollable claims with fits of rage cause attacks on other people for no reason should play with the first two parts of Call of duty. to understand a simple thing, there are no winners in War, war is a multitude of processes of destruction of all previously created values, and life and way of life and calm measured life and science and technology and technology all depreciate in the process of war. A difficult test of the physical body, spirit, willpower and the very process of global rethinking and assessment of why the war is being fought, for whom, why. How to create a “virtual reimagining course with historical battle elements and active player participation”? Call of duty is a historical masterpiece with a plot not only about war, but also a reminder that war will devalue everything and is not worth fighting, and the main enemy within each of us is Egocentrism and the inability to rationally assess the value of life itself. War is not running around with weapons and ammunition, war is every minute rethinking by each person of the surrounding problems of the world, and as soon as the process reaches a dead end, the processes of senseless uncontrolled self-destruction begin. The game is a masterpiece, it is worth not just playing with immersion, but it is advisable to play when no one is playing nearby, because the emotions that the game evokes will be impartial smiles, but real emotions of sadness and even tears. War is pain. Real war is call of duty.

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