Games Car For Sale Simulator 2023 Files Savegames Saving 27,000,000 on balance, full office, 2 rare cars and some cool cars for personal use

Saving 27,000,000 on balance, full office, 2 rare cars and some cool cars for personal use

Author: TronZ
Size: 366.34 kB
Uploaded by: TronZ
Date: December 15, 2023, 07:26 PM
Downloads: 867

40+ hours played on the map. A lot of money, a lot of cars, everything is fully pumped in (except for the car wash).

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Сохранение 27.000.000 на балансе, фулл офис, 2 редкие машины и немного крутых тачек в личном использовании

На карте наиграно 40+ часов. Много денег, много машин, всё фулл вкачено (кроме мойки).

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