Company of Heroes 2 is a continuation of the historical real-time strategy with an isometric camera view, which will allow you to take part in a... Read more
Minimum Resources:Manpower,Munition,Fuel/Minimum resources: manpower, ammunition, fuel Fast Reinforcement/Improvement/Fast strengthening/improvement Fast Construction/Fast construction God Mode Quick Command Points Maximum Pop Used/Maximum number of ...
Minimum Resources:Manpower,Munition,Fuel/Minimum resources: manpower, ammunition, fuel Fast Reinforcement/Improvement/Fast strengthening/improvement Fast Construction/Fast construction God Mode Quick Command Points Maximum Pop Used/Maximum number of ...
Trainer creation/update date: 01/28/2021 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 7 During the gameplay, we press the necessary keys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. It may work on a pirated version of the game. Attention: ...
Minimum Resources:Manpower,Munition,Fuel/Minimum resources: manpower, ammunition, fuel Fast Reinforcement/Improvement/Fast strengthening/improvement Fast Construction/Fast construction God Mode Quick Command Points Maximum Pop Used/Maximum number of ...
Minimum Resources:Manpower,Munition,Fuel/Minimum resources: manpower, ammunition, fuel Fast Reinforcement/Improvement/Fast strengthening/improvement Fast Construction/Fast construction God Mode Quick Command Points Maximum Pop Used/Maximum number of ...
NUMPAD 1 - Infinite human reserves. NUMPAD 2 - Infinite ammo supplies. NUMPAD 3 - Infinite fuel supplies. NUMPAD 4 - There is no limit on unit production.
NUMPAD 1 - Infinite human reserves. NUMPAD 2 - Infinite ammo supplies. NUMPAD 3 - Infinite fuel supplies. NUMPAD 4 - There is no limit on unit production. NUMPAD 5 - Rapid construction of units and buildings. NUMPAD 6 - immortality for everyone.