The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the... Read more
Desert City Smog Reshade. Night City, a large city on the edge of the desert. It’s hot, stuffy, the air quality is poor, and smog hangs in the air. Sometimes it's just hard to breathe. This preset gives the game a warmer, dirtier look. Most days ther ...
Cyber Fashion. Images and console IDs for all clothing that can be found in the world or in clothing stores. Does not include iconic/unique/quest clothing. All clothing is depicted on female V. I took the time to take a screenshot of each item of c ...
Alternate Crowd Behavior and other tweaks. Changes crowd movement and spawn, traffic behavior, enemy search mechanics, and in-game streaming systems. In previous versions of this mod, I increased the disappear time to 3 minutes off screen, so that ev ...
Better Minimap. This mod allows you to make the mini-map more convenient. Parameters: - Large minimap - Transparent minimap - No minimap border - Compass only mode Scaling: - Low - Normal - High - Ultra Installation: Download and run the ins ...
E to Interact - V to Walk and Drive - Dedicated Dodge - Dialogue Scroll. This mod makes several changes to make the game easier to play. Features: - Changes the primary key binding from F to E. - Adds the ability to slowly walk and move while hold ...
Head Start and New Game Plus. A simple script to activate after the tutorial mission and allow you to start a new game +. Available in two versions: Head Start: You will receive 10 million whirlpools, 100 thousand of all crafting materials, every ...
Disable Vehicle Camera Auto-Centering. This isn't actually a mod per se, but an AutoHotkey script to disable automatic camera rotation forward while moving if you don't move the mouse for a few seconds. Once you enter the game and get into the car, s ...
Chrome mantisblade. This is a small mod that replaces the standard coloring of the mantis blades with a chrome version. Install at this path /pc/patch.
ShiftySpaceCow's Male V Preset. This is a collection of screenshots that can be used to recreate my character. You can make it look like me or customize it if you want.
DLSS Mirror Fix and DLSS Sharpness. Fixes scaling issues in in-game viewport mirrors (interactive) and enables native DLSS sharpening. By default, mirrors operate at half or even quarter resolution, which results in rather poor image quality. Inst ...
Spicy HUDs - More UI and HUD colors. Adds 7 new HUD color options. Colors: - Purple/white - Green/white - Orange/white - Blue/white - Red / White - Turquoise / white - Hot pink/white