The game was one of the most anticipated games of recent times, but somehow fell short.
The world is open, well-developed and beautiful, but there are a lot of bugs and shortcomings, I could go on for a long time.
Because of this, one gets the feeling that they only wanted to release the game faster, but I think that it was worth keeping the game in development for a while longer, so that there would be time to finish it, fix bugs, etc., which is why a lot of bad reviews, but the dialogues themselves, the NPCs, their history is very well developed, the world is beautiful, there are many interesting mechanics, as well as its own style, this game definitely has it.
CONCLUSION: I can’t say anything specifically good or bad about the game; to upset the person who bought this game, who had hopes for it, but in general, you can play, at least because of the elaboration of the world, small details, the history of the NPCs, but the plot is not particularly interesting, some may not be drawn in.
There is no multiplayer in the game, so I don’t think there will be one, but if there was one, I think it wouldn’t be particularly bad, but that’s my personal opinion