Games Cyberpunk 2077 All reviews Review from wolk-il

A little above average, but no more.


1) It’s interesting to watch the relationship between GG and Joni

2) Cyberpunk style

3) Main storyline and minor characters in it


1) Huge number of bugs (mostly graphical. I managed to complete the game without replaying due to any technical problems)

2) Boring open world

3) Absolutely boring driving cars and bikes

4) A huge number of clearing points (it would be better if there were fewer activities, but they were larger and more elaborate). As a result, we get more than a hundred COME AND CLEAR points.

5) Leveling up, which was implemented in a more interesting way in DeusEx.

In summary: After the magnificent Witcher 3, this is a rather weak game that does not bring anything new to the cyberpunk genre. It will be more interesting to take DE HR or DE MD again

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