Single-player adventure action game Days Gone in the genres of survival, stealth, and action, with a third-person perspective, in an open world was... Read more
Combat Shotgun Evolved. This mod rebalances the Combat Shotgun and turns it into a reliable, mid-range, high-precision weapon. This is achieved - in large part - by significantly reducing shot spread and changing the style and size of the reticle for ...
FN-57 to M9 Swap (Cosmetic Only). Replaces the visual model of the FN-57 (PDW) with the M9 model. For those of you who love the visuals of the M9 but prefer the superior performance of the FN-57.
Several Biker Outfits without hat or cap. This mod simply changes Deacon's appearance to the look I've always wanted for him. Install only one version from those presented. Installation: 1. Rename sfpaks to sfpakss (inside DaysGone/bendgame/conten ...
Deacon- Heavy Combat Gear. Provides Deacon with heavy military equipment. Comes with face bandana, magazine pouches, heavy armor, neck brace and military holster.
The Growler Evolved. This mod will fix the Growler minigun so it can be stored and used like a regular weapon. There are several options to choose from.
Seatbelt. This mod disables your motorcycle from falling (from a collision), you can crash at high speeds, fall from a great height, turn upside down and nothing will happen to you.