Games Dead Island: Riptide Files Savegames Save / SaveGame (Chapter 3 / Level 38 / Character: John / All skills upgraded)

Save / SaveGame (Chapter 3 / Level 38 / Character: John / All skills upgraded)

Author: [Insanity]
Size: 5.89 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: September 18, 2017, 12:07 AM
Downloads: 716


All skills have been pumped up to the end

Chapter 3. The very beginning. Level 38. Probably. But everything is pumped up!

Instructions on how to insert.

1.Unzip the file.

2. Throw the contents of the out folder into Disk C/Program Data/RELOADED/RLD!(You may have a different name)/216250/storage/ throw with replacement.

Save your saves just in case.

My first work, don't judge strictly.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Глава 3 / Уровень 38 / Персонаж: Джон / Прокачаны все навыки)


Навыки прокачаны все до конца

Глава 3.Самое начало.Уровень 38.Наверно.Но все прокачано!

Инструкция как вставить.

1.Разархивировать файл.

2.Кинуть содержимое папки out в Диск C/Program Data/RELOADED/RLD!(У вас может бить другое название)/216250/storage/ кидать с заменой.

На всякий случай сохраните свои сохранения.

Моя Первая работа не судите строго.

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