Games Deadly Days Files Tables Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 03/29/2021]

Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 03/29/2021]

  • Author: ndck76
    Size: 1.22 kB
    Uploaded by: xam_xam
    Date: March 30, 2021, 10:34 PM
    Downloads: 263

    Infinite Health/Infinite health

    Game Balance Overview{Use the apple first so that it will populate and then edit the value of resources of your choice}

    Character Stats {In order to upgrade the stats of each character, use the apple to focus on that particular person and then freeze the value as shown below. After this you can do for the others as well. After you have done this for all the characters, you can unfreeze these values}/Character Stats {To improve each character's stats, use the apple to focus on that specific person and then lock the value as shown below. After that you can do the same for the rest. Once you've done this for all characters, you can unfreeze those values}

    Startup process:

    1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table

    2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.

    3. Select the desired option and check the box.

    The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
    Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 29.03.2021]

    Infinite Health/Бесконечное здоровье

    Game Balance Overview{Use the apple first so that it will populate and then edit the value of resources of your choice}/Обзор игрового баланса {Сначала используйте яблоко, чтобы оно заполнилось, а затем измените значение ресурсов по вашему выбору}

    Character Stats {In order to upgrade the stats of each character, use the apple to focus on that particular person and then freeze the value as shown below. After this you can do for the others as well. After you have done this for all the characters, you can unfreeze these values}/Характеристики персонажа {Чтобы улучшить характеристики каждого персонажа, используйте яблоко, чтобы сосредоточиться на этом конкретном человеке, а затем зафиксируйте значение, как показано ниже. После этого вы можете сделать и для остальных. После того, как вы сделали это для всех символов, вы можете разморозить эти значения}

    Процесс запуска:

    1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу

    2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.

    3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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