Death's Gambit is an arcade side-scrolling action platformer with RPG elements. You have to act as an agent of death, whose goal is to rid the world... Read more
Author: FLiNG Edition: Steam Game Version: Latest Trainer Language: English Number of Functions: Trainer Creation Date: 06/22/2022 Functions: Numpad 1: Immortality Numpad 2: Edit the number of health points Numpad 3: Infinite Stamina Numpad 4: Edit ...
Trainer creation/update date: 10/18/2021 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 4 During the gameplay, we press the necessary keys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. Attention: To use the trainer, you need to install the We ...
Author: FLiNG Edition: Steam Game Version: Latest Trainer Language: English Number of Functions: Trainer Creation Date: 10/05/2021 Functions: Numpad 1: Immortality Numpad 2: Edit the number of health points Numpad 3: Infinite Stamina Numpad 4: Edit ...