A sequel to Dying Light featuring a new protagonist, characters, and setting, along with a new storyline that expands the game universe. The... Read more
AIO - All In One PAK. This is a data2.pak containing: GOD MODE, no fall damage, infinite glide speed, infinite ammo, infinite stamina, infinite weapon durability, no immunity drain, easier lockpicking, improved survivor sense and binoculars. For secu ...
Immunity Toxins. This mod will allow you to freely travel through the toxic zone. How to make dl: 1) unzip the zip wherever you want 2) Copy it 3) Go to C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/source 4) Insert 5) Done, if i ...
Unlimited Arrow. This mod will make your arrows endless. Loading instructions: - Drag the pak file to Dying light 2/ph/source. - Overwrite, or rename the mod to data3.pak, or merge the file with another data2.pak that you installed.
Increased Survivor Sense. Increases the distance and duration of a survivor's sense. Also includes the ability to tag with binoculars from a greater distance. Installation instructions: - To install, place the data2.pak file in SteamLibrary/steama ...
More realistic physics tweaks. A few simple physics and player control tweaks to make the game smoother and more realistic. Changes: - Gravity increased from 9.8... to 12.75, making the game less smooth. (Fall damage seems to depend on how much s ...
Easy Lock Picking. Makes the lockpick minigame much easier, makes it harder to break lockpicks and reduces the number of lockpicks needed to pick a lock. To install, place data99.pak in SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Dying Light 2/ph/sourcefolder.
EXTREME NIGHTS v2 - THE RETURN OF THE KING. This mod makes the night so terrible that it is only suitable for masochists. To install, drop the downloaded file into this path Dying Light 2/ph/source. Features: - Increased night time - Reducing dayl ...
Unlimited Weapon Durability. The weapon becomes indestructible. Post data2.pak to DyingLight2StayHuman/ph/source. If you already have a data2pak mod, open both with winrar and drag and drop my files into the existing data2pak.