Games Dying Light Files Savegames Save / SaveGame (Completed The Following and the main story)

Save / SaveGame (Completed The Following and the main story)

Size: 47.41 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: December 26, 2018, 12:03 AM
Downloads: 611

Hey it's me. In this save you will find two saves in the main story and one save in the following.

The first save has a lot of weapons and some have a lot of damage. There is an endless cat. Lots of drawings. There are costumes for a dirty snowman, Santa's helper, a Christmas party, and a Halloween costume (I just don't remember what it's called).

The second is simply saving.

Briefly told about everything. Good night.Good luck.

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Сохранение / SaveGame (Пройден The Following и основной сюжет)

Хай это я. В этом сейве вас ждёт в основном сюжете две сейвы и в the following одна сейва.

На первой сейве есть много оружия и на некотором большой дамаг. Есть бесконечная кошка. Много чертежей. Есть костюмы грязный снеговик,помощник Санты,рождественская тусовка, и в честь хеллоуина костюм(просто не помню как называется).

Второе просто сохранение.

Кратко рассказал про всё. Good night.Good luck.

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