Possibly, but I'm not sure. At the moment from 7-10, I began to notice bots in the game, and not those who run around with you in the squad, but precisely those who are supposedly real players. To make sure, during the match I wrote in the chat: “Are there real people here, or just bots?”
In response, I received three messages: “Yes”, “Yes”, “+”.
So, where are the other 8 people, because I played exactly with the Russians and even wrote what key the chat was on, it cost them 5 seconds.
The game is going downhill before our eyes and this is noticeably visible, because on the opening day of the BT of Moscow and Normandy, the online game was definitely live and this was noticeable in the shootings and strategy. And not like now, when the “Invasion” operation is going on on any map, “people” sit in one place and shoot, and even when you broke through and are sitting alone on the point, no one will come to your aid.
Rating: 2/10