Final Fantasy VII Remake is a reimagining of the Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy VII from 1997. Fans of the cult JRPG and newcomers... Read more
Aerith A-Line Dress. A simple dress mod. This one is pretty simple, I wanted to go strapless but the skin textures just didn't work together, most likely because those body parts weren't supposed to be visible. For this you will need the mod Cheap I ...
Sephiroth No Shoulder Pads. This mod uses the alpha texture to remove Sephiroth's giant shoulder pads from both his standard and transformable (wing) models. The shoulder pads are iconic, but I was curious to see him without them. Update: I've includ ...
Aerith(Princess Peach). Iris's cheap dress has been modified to look like Princess Peach from the Mario game! The mod comes with Iris's standard outfit replaced with her cheap dress and retextured. Place the pak file in the mods folder inside the Pak ...
Leather Jacket for Aerith. This makes Iris's jacket look more like leather in her standard outfit. Looks nice only on black, so check the mods listed in the description. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods, ...
Yellow Dress Tifa. Retexture of a purple dress with yellow and glitter color. Place the file in the ~mods folder. To use this mod over a classic outfit, use this mod: Tifa's purple dress .
Chinese Dragon Dress Tifa. Retexture of one of Tifa's dresses with gold dragon and black color. Place the file in the ~mods folder. To use this mod over classic clothing, use this mod: Chinese dress for Tifa .
Classic Rufus Recolor with No Belts and Partial Skirt Removal. Classic repaint with the straps removed and the two side skirt panels removed. This brings the design a little closer to the original, I think. Can be updated later with complete skirt re ...
Rufus Shinra No Belts. This mod removes all belts from the Rufus Shinra model, including the raver belts. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods, if you don't have a mods folder, create one in the Paks folder.
Tifa Akatsuki. Repainting a Chinese dress with an Akatsuki image, inspired by the anime Naruto. Everything is black with red clouds. Black stockings, white shoes. Included as an option: light makeup and dark hair, all in separate files so you can set ...
Crisis Core Cloud's Outfit. This mod is essentially a reskin for the Cloud Strife costume. Based on the colors used in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. It may appear from the images that not all blacks are created equal, but they are. This is just an ...
Aerith Heavy Metal Outfit. Aerith's standard outfit has evolved into outfits inspired by metal/hard rock bands. Unpack the archive to this path FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods. This is a retexture, not a model, so if you have other cloth ...
Kyrie pink recolor. Changes Kairi's outfit to a nice pink color. I know Kairi doesn't appear in the game very often, but I really like her design, but I thought the colors were kind of pale, so I decorated it! To install, unpack the pak into the mods ...