Friday Night Funkin'
Friday Night Funkin' is a musical action game with elements of adventure. This is a game where you have to perform musical feats to get closer to your girlfriend... Read more
High Effort Ugh 2.0 (feat. Tankman). This mod adds a new enemy to the game - the Tanker. And also one new song.
Hatsune Miku
Friday Night Funkin' + Hatsune Miku / FULL WEEK. Your famous sister wants to meet your girlfriend until you are in front of thousands of people. Now you have to impress her, your girlfriend and all these people. ...
Scarecrow Zardi
V.S Zardy - Foolhardy. Are you lost in the maze of a corn field, what will you find there? It's Zardi! Although he's not here to scare you, as you think. Will you be able to fight him off? Or will he win? ...
Robot Hexagon
VS Hex Mod (FULL WEEK UPDATE!). On a sunny week, a tall figure approaches you near the basketball court. It's Hex! This robot-like guy challenges you to a battle. Unlike your previous opponents, he doesn't seem to have any bad intentions. Or is there ...
Nun Sarvente
Sarvente's Mid-Fight Masses [FULL WEEK]. She is a very kind, outgoing and friendly nun who wants you to feel at home - as long as you are ready to attend midnight mass. This nun will try her best to get you to join her church! And it’s not so easy to ...
New enemy
The Tricky Mod. This mod adds a new enemy and new songs to the game.
Whitty's Full Week
V.S. Whitty Full Week While walking down an alley with your girlfriend, you accidentally notice an ominous glow coming from around the corner. Out goes Whitmore (Whitty), the hot-tempered rock star who just happens to have a fight with your friend's ...