Game Dev Tycoon is a game developer simulator in which you play the role of a project manager. You will be able to come up with names for games... Read more
Author: MrAntiFun
Edition: Retail
Game Version: 1.4.5
Number of Functions: 2
Trainer Creation Date: 02/15/2014
Hotkeys and trainer capabilities:
- F1 — Infinite Cash / Research Points
Автор: MrAntiFun
Издание: Retail
Версия Игры: 1.4.5
Количество Функций: 2
Дата Создания Трейнера: 15/02/2014
Горячие клавиши и возможности трейнера:
- F1 — Бесконечные Деньги / Очки Исследования (Infinite Cash / Research Points)
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