Gears Tactics is a top-down tactical strategy game set in the futuristic Gears of War universe. The game takes place 12 years before the events of... Read more
Overhaul to increase the variety and total number of enemy spawns in all missions. Experience how this game was meant to be played! Since mods for weapon cases and grenade range really appeal to you, I decided to add a mod for the enemy’s app The t ...
Super Legendaries. This mod improves legendary weapon and armor modifications. 1. Armor modifications give 150 health and evasion 3. Boots increase range of motion 4. Bulletproof vests increase critical damage resistance 5. Helmets increase accuracy ...
Boosted Weapons. With this mod, Lancer and Retro Lancer will be modified to deal insane damage. List of modifications: Type 1: (Insane Statistics) - Damage increased to 1000 - Accuracy is 100% without spread. - No reboot required until 10 mov ...
Upgraded Armor Mods. This is a small mod that improves armor modifications. Features: 1. All modifications improve health: from 25 to 200 depending on rarity. 2. All modifications improve evasion: from 5 to 20% 3. All boots increase movement range ...
A small mod for tactical Gears Tactics increases the radius of a grenade's explosion by 16%. The modification increases the effectiveness of grenades, but creates an imbalance in the game. Installation: Unpack the archive into the game folder GearGa ...
The modification for the tactical game Gears Tactics completely removes all common and less useful items from local loot boxes. Now, when you open them, you will receive rare, epic and legendary items. According to the author of the mod, this change ...
LOOT BOX ENHANCED v2.0. This mod completely removes the common lower tier loot boxes from the game and replaces them with rare and higher tier loot boxes. The reward increases with the player's progress. Now, you have a goal to go towards the mission ...
Original title: More Wretches A simple mod for Gears Tactics adds more Wretches to the game. According to the author, such a modification will slightly complicate the battles in the game and make them more interesting. Installation: Unpack the arch ...
Original title: Loot Box Upgrade - BETA 1.0.1 - The Gears Tactics mod changes the local loot box system, increasing the chance of them dropping more valuable items. According to the author, the original system stretches the gameplay too much due to ...