What is this? — A well-made SINGLE 3rd person adventure in a huge open world with VERY optional co-op for four. I'm really emphasizing this. This is not an MMO. The game is called a clone of Zelda from the Switch. I can’t say anything here. I don’t have a Switch and haven’t played Zelda.
donate - because the game is free and Chinese. the first impression is that there will be a hell of a donation. But this is surprisingly not the case. After 20 hours of playing, I certainly found where I could donate, but I didn’t find a single reason why to do it. Everything plays great as it is. I understand that the donation system is set up for an audience that wants to get various beautiful anime girls into their party. Otherwise, there is nothing to be afraid of.
visual - very neat and pleasing to the eye cartoon graphics. The picture is not overloaded with effects. Various types of magic are well rendered, but even during intense combat there is no mess of effects on the screen. Personally, this makes me very happy. Grass and leaves sway in the wind, hair and clothes react correctly to movements. Overall it looks very good.
gameplay - you are invited to play as a party of heroes between whom you can switch on the fly. important point. We always run with one hero, the rest are absent. When switching, one disappears and another appears in its place. The direct meaning of switching is that there are enemies and puzzles for different types of magic, and plus magical effects can be combined. For example, one hero can wet an enemy, and the second can immediately freeze him into a statue. In general, the combat is very good and at the same time easy to use. The world is huge and not empty. You can climb almost anywhere and it won’t be in vain. on any peak, in any nook, there can be a task, a puzzle, a chest or an enemy. The game encourages exploration. I like it.
Leveling up is not intrusive. The hero has perks, but after leveling up the main one to level 20, I didn’t open any of them. Health and damage increase, and in combat the same magical skills are used as in the beginning. Only stronger.
Alchemy - we collect herbs, roots and cook food that restores health and gives buffs. everything is simple and convenient.
In general, the game is assembled from seemingly familiar elements, but at the same time it is immediately clear that it can take a very long time to explore all its subtleties. like the vast world. And the main thing is to do it pleasantly and interestingly.
Played on PC, about 20 hours and plan to continue playing