Games God of War Files Armor and Shields Retextures and armor edits

Retextures and armor edits

  • Author: Paul-Scott
    Size: 1.80 MB
    Uploaded by: Flixx
    Date: February 14, 2022, 08:38 AM
    Downloads: 193

    Armor Retextures And Edits.

    This mod changes several standard armors.


    1. Extract the downloaded files.

    2. Drag the texpack and texpack.toc files to GodOfWar > exec > wad > pc_le.

    3. Open boot-options.json in a text editor, located in GodOfWar > exec.

    4. Scroll down to patch-texpacks: [ ] and add MODNAME between the square brackets.

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    Armor Retextures And Edits.

    Этот мод изменяет несколько стандартных доспехов.


    1. Извлеките загруженные файлы.

    2. Перетащите файлы texpack и texpack.toc в GodOfWar > exec > wad > pc_le.

    3. Откройте boot-options.json в текстовом редакторе, расположенный в GodOfWar > exec.

    4. Прокрутите вниз до patch-texpacks: [ ] и добавьте MODNAME между квадратными скобками.

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