Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a legendary spin-off of Grand Theft Auto 3, developing the ideas and mechanics laid down in it, connected by common... Read more
The save is suitable for Steam and Rockstar Games Launcher editions of the game. All story missions have been completed and all 100 hidden packages have been found, you can continue collecting the remaining goodies.
Installation instructions:
Download the file "GTAVCsf8.b" to c:\Users\%User_name%\Documents\GTA Vice City User Files
launch the game...
Cейв подходит для Steam и Rockstar Games Launcher изданий игры. Пройдены все сюжетные миссии и найдены все 100 спрятанные пакеты, можно продолжить собирать оставшиеся ништяки.
Инструкции по установке:
Скачиваем файл "GTAVCsf8.b" в c:\Users\%Имя_юзера%\Documents\GTA Vice City User Files
запускаете игру...
Useful links: