Gemini: Heroes Reborn is a first-person action-adventure game set in the Heroes universe. The events of the game will tell the story of... Read more
Author: FutureX
Version: 1.0
Language: Eng
Functions: 4
Release date: 01/23/2016
Hotkeys and trainer capabilities:
- F1 — Besk. Life (Inf. Health)
- F2 — Besk. Jumping (Inf. Jump)
- F3 — Besk. Time (Inf. Time)
- F4 — Besk. Telekinesis (Inf. Telekinesis)
Автор: FutureX
Версия: 1.0
Язык: Eng
Функций: 4
Дата выпуска: 23.01.2016
Горячие клавиши и возможности трейнера:
- F1 — Беск. Жизни (Inf. Health)
- F2 — Беск. Прыжки (Inf. Jump)
- F3 — Беск. Время (Inf. Time)
- F4 — Беск. Телекинез (Inf. Telekinesis)
Useful links: