A co-op game where characters mine scrap metal from abandoned Moons to make a profit. The money you earn goes towards traveling to new locations or... Read more
This mod adds a key counter and completely removes them from the inventory. You will no longer have to worry about an occupied inventory slot, because it will be free. As you approach the door, you will be shown how many keys you currently have, and ...
This plugin blocks all damage from other players' shovels. This is to combat griefing in public lobbies, especially where people have the instant kill shovel mod. Note that if you have a flea attached to your head, hitting you with a shovel will sti ...
A mod in which the ship and storage room are cleared when you press the corresponding key in the ship. Make sure any players you play with also have the mod installed so they can see the organized loot change positions. M to clear the ship and ...