A co-op game where characters mine scrap metal from abandoned Moons to make a profit. The money you earn goes towards traveling to new locations or... Read more
A trip to the moon costs 700 credits, there are 2 fire exits (one of which can only be found with a jetpack) and 40 exclusive items. Do not use with LETHALEXPANSIONCORE, it will break the map, disable or change the config to set UseOriginalLethalExp ...
A small map based on the "House on the Hill" image. Features an artificial sky, several houses, lush green grass and a water tower. Despite the time that passes here, night does not fall due to the newly established celestial sphere, preventing peop ...
Changes the difficulty of the game to peaceful mode. Includes: endless sprint; accelerated ascent up the stairs; God mode (be careful not to miss the jump, otherwise you will get stuck below).
Gives dead players something to do by allowing them to fly around in a free chamber and interact with certain objects. Interacting with the mortal world is not easy, and it requires some effort on the part of the ghost. This is represented by the po ...