Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take on the role of... Read more
Iron Man suit
Original title: Iron Man Suit Slot. This mod adds a new icon and slot for the Iron Man suit.
Enhanced Jump
Buffed Traversal Venom Jump. Doubles the vertical and horizontal distance of your jump ability (surprisingly balanced and looks really nice).
Franklin Clinton (separate slot)
Franklin Clinton (GTA V) Suit slot. This mod adds Franklin from GTA 5 to the game. It does not replace the original costumes.
Spiderman with a cape
Original title: Caped Spider-Man Suit Slot (Into the Spider-Verse) Spider Cave. Spider Cave Costume. Uses its own slot and new icon.
Symbiote Costume 2099
2099 Symbiote Suit. This mod replaces the standard 2099 suit with its symbiotic version.
Spider Armor MK4
Original title: Spider Armor - MK IV Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). This mod adds a new slot and Mark 4 costume from the game Spider-Man Remastered to the game.
Adidas style suit
Improved Miles costume mod. Uses its own slot.
Suit 2099
Original title: Spider-Man 2099 Black Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). Adds a slot and icon for the black Spider-Man 2099 suit from Spider-Man Remastered.
Real symbiote spider cat
True Symbiote Spider Cat. This mod makes Spider-Cat more like a symbiote. Features: - Veins on the mask. - Glossy cat.
Scarlet Spider Costume
Scarlet 2 costume from the game The Amazing Spiderman.
Costume "Dark Ages"
Dark Ages - Miles Morales. Adds the Dark Ages - Miles Morales symbiote costume as a costume slot! Has its own costume slot, icon and name!
Gwen (hooded)
Spider-Gwen Suit Slot (Hooded) Into the Spider-verse. Adds a costume slot for Hooded Gwen.
Electric wings
Uptown Pride Venom Wings - Suit Slot. This mod creates electric wings whenever you use Venom's power. Uses a new costume slot.
Snow removal
Remove Snow V2. This mod completely removes snow from the city. The author noticed a significant increase in FPS using this. Add Remove Snow V2.mmpcmod to the MMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods.
Classic Symbiote Suit
Original title: Classic Symbiote 3 Suit Slot Pack (VERSION 2). Classic Miles Morales symbiote suit from Marvel's Spider-Man. Available in 3 classic colors: purple, blue and black.