Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take on the role of... Read more
Dark pants
Dark Pants for The End Suit. This mod adds dark camouflage pants to the game for The End Suit.
Web of Venom
Venom Webs. This mod replaces the standard white web with a black one, like Venom's. Add Venom Webs MM V1.smpcmod to the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods.
Skip intro
No Intro Video Mod. A simple mod that removes introductory videos at the start of the game (Sony, Marvel, Insomniac, Nixxes). Now you don't have to press escape on your keyboard. This is useful when you only play with a controller.
Symbiote costume
USM Symbiote Spiderverse. This mod adds a new symbiotic suit to the game.
Damaged tracksuit
Sportswear damaged suit. This mod replaces the original tracksuit with its damaged version.
Raimi costume (new slot)
Raimi --- Suit Slot --- Spider-man remastered. This mod adds a new costume from the movie "Spider-Man" with Tobey Maguire to the game. Does not replace original costumes.
Crash Bandicoot (new costume)
Original title: Crash Bandicoot Suit Slot. Adds a costume slot and icon for Crash Bandicoot.
Venom instead of Rhino
This Venom model is based on the trailer for Marvel's Spider-man 2. It replaces the Rhino.
Ryden (MGRR)
Adds Raiden from the Metal Gear game to the game. Uses its own slot.
Iron Spider (new slot)
Iron Spider Armor Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). This mod adds a slot for the Iron Spider suit and a custom badge from Spider-Man Remastered. Time has been spent to maintain the original quality of the costume.
No snow in any weather
No Snow For All Weathers. Disables snow particles for the weather of your choice. All 12 Free Roam atmospheres are available. Hopefully this will improve productivity a bit for people who have problems and also for those who don't want snow.
Store-bought Miles Morales costume (new slot)
Original title: Store Bought Suit (Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse) Miles Morales -- Suit Slot --. This model is based on the suit that Miles buys from the store where Stan Lee works in the movie Into the Spider-Verse. ...
Street Spider (separate slot)
Street Spider (Marvel Super War) --- Suit Slot --. This mod adds a new street style costume to the game. Does not replace original costumes.
Scarlet Spider (new slot)
Scarlet Spider Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). Adds a slot for the Scarlet Spider costume and a custom icon.
Costume from the game Midnight Sun
Adds a costume from the game Midnight Sun. Requires ASC's Suit Adder and Name Importer Tool.