Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take on the role of... Read more
Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson - DHedge. This mod adds the legendary CJ from the game GTA San Andreas to the game.
Damaged final costume
Final Battle Damaged Classic Suit (replaces regular miles classic suit). This mod replaces Miles' classic costume with the costume damaged in the final battle.
Enemy kills
Enemies now die when falling from heights. They are no longer attached to the walls with cobwebs.
Tom Hardy - Venom
Original title: Tom Hardy Venom. This mod adds Venom to the game. This model was imported from Fortnite.
Punk Spider
Punk style costume. Uses its own slot.
Removing the backpack with the cat
Remove Bodega Suit Backpack And Cat. This mod allows you to wear a suit without a backpack and a cat.
Realistic web
Realistic Webs. This mod replaces the web with a more realistic one.
Dummy game
Hologram Dummy - DHedge. This mod will allow you to play as a holographic mannequin.
Costume "Through the Universes"
The final version of the costume from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Requires ASC's Suit Slot Tool.
Symbiotic Suit
Adds a symbiote suit as an additional suit slot.
Backpack without a cat
No More Spidercat. This mod removes the cat from the backpack suit. The bag is still moving and meowing can be heard.
Goku style
Original title: Goku Style and Jackets for The End Suit. This mod changes the textures of the final suit and eyes to match Goku's style.
Superman with cape physics (new slot)
Superman with cape physics -- Suit Slot --. Adds a costume slot for Superman with cape physics. This mod uses a model based on Miles Morales; which means it has a T-pose bug that happens sometimes. If you get stuck in this pose, enter Photo Mode and ...
Future Foundation Costume
Future Foundation Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). Adds a slot for the Future Foundation costume and a custom icon.
Snake from the game Metal Gear Solid
Original title: Solid Snake Suit Slot (Metal Gear Solid). This mod adds the icon and costume of Snake from the game Metal Gear Solid.