Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take on the role of... Read more
Dark suit 2099
Dark 2099 Suit. Simply change the coloring of Suit 2099 to make it a dark variant.
Miles in a blue jacket
Blue Coat Miles. Swaps Miles's black winter jacket for an unused version of the blue jacket.
Champion costume in a separate slot
Champions Suit -- Suit Slot---. Adds a slot for an UNUSED champion costume. The textures on the suit are wrong (it was straight out of the game). Maybe I'll look later.
Black and white programmable matter
Black and White Programmable Matter. A simple black and white repaint of the programmable matter suit.
Damaged final costume
Final Battle Damaged Classic Suit (replaces regular miles classic suit). This mod replaces Miles' classic costume with the costume damaged in the final battle.
Unlock all costumes
Unlock All Suits. This mod makes all costumes free. Works on new and existing saves.
Advanced Symbiote Suit
Symbiote Advanced Suit. This mod replaces the Great Responsibility suit with an advanced symbiote suit. Add Symbiote Advanced Suit.smpcmod to the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods.
Miles's suit under sportswear
Miles Suit Under Sportswear Outfit. Gives Miles his iconic colors under his sportswear.
Improved Suit
Advanced Suit. This mod replaces the Great Responsibility suit with the Advanced suit. Add Advanced Suit.smpcmod to the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods.
Dark suit
Dark Suit. This mod will replace the Streetwear suit with the Dark Suit from Spider-Man 2018. Add Dark Suit on top of Streetwear.smpcmod in the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods.
Champion costume
Champions Suit. This mod replaces the various costume slots with a champion costume. Add Champions over Streetwear.smpcmod to the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods.