Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take on the role of... Read more
Backpack without a cat
No More Spidercat. This mod removes the cat from the backpack suit. The bag is still moving and meowing can be heard.
Stark suit (new slot)
Stark Suit -- Suit Slot -- (Spider-Man Remastered). This mod adds the Stark suit to the game in a new slot and its own icon.
Santa hat for cat
Add Santa hat on Spider Cat. Add a Santa hat to the spider cat.
Spider Klaus (new slot)
Spider-Clause --- Suit Slot --- (Miles Morales) Custom Model Santa. This mod adds a new Santa costume in a new costume slot.
Spider Clan Costume (new slot)
Spider-Clan Suit --- Suit Slot --- (Spider-Man Remastered). Adds a slot for the Spider Clan costume.
Matte black and red pants
Matte Black and Red Pants for The End Suit. This mod makes the standard pants of The End Suit matte, in black and red colors.
Jordan 1 sneakers
ITSV Miles with Jordan 1's (UPDATED SUIT ADDON). This mod adds stylish Jordan sneakers to Miles' standard outfit.
Symbiote Miles Morales
Symbiote Miles Morales. This mod gives the classic Miles Morales costume a symbiote look.
Dark pants
Dark Pants for The End Suit. This mod adds dark camouflage pants to the game for The End Suit.
No hood
Hoodless for The End Suit. This is a small mod that removes the hood from The End Suit.
Symbiote costume
USM Symbiote Spiderverse. This mod adds a new symbiotic suit to the game.
Classic winter suit (new slot)
Classic Suit (Winter) -- Suit Slot -- (Spider-Man Remastered) Custom. This is a port of the classic suit from Spider-Man Remastered, but I've added accessories from the winter suit. Currently, winter accessories are not self-contained, if someone cha ...
Costume "Dark Ages"
Dark Ages - Miles Morales. Adds the Dark Ages - Miles Morales symbiote costume as a costume slot! Has its own costume slot, icon and name!
Damaged tracksuit
Sportswear damaged suit. This mod replaces the original tracksuit with its damaged version.
Symbiote costume
Symbiote Suit - DHedge. Suit slot. Includes both styles as separate costume slots.