Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take on the role of... Read more
Peter Parker costume from the cartoon “Into the Spider-Verse”
Into the Spider-Verse Suit (Peter Parker) -- Suit Slot --- (Spider-man Remastered). The effects here make him look maybe even better than in Spider-man Remastered.
Suit "Ultimate"
USM Inspired Spiderverse (UPDATE v1.1). Retexture of the Spiderverse costume, inspired by the comic book Ultimate Spider-Man costume. v1.1: Made the eyes completely white instead of the standard shiny/reflective colored eyes.
Spider cat on all costumes
Spider-Cat on all Suits. Adds a backpack with a spider cat to all costumes. There are currently two cats in the real cat suit, I can't do anything about it.
Removing the backpack with the cat
Remove Bodega Suit Backpack And Cat. This mod allows you to wear a suit without a backpack and a cat.
Black mask for a cat
Symbiote Suit Cat Mod. This mod replaces the standard spider-cat mask with a black symbiote mask.
Raimi costume (new slot)
Raimi --- Suit Slot --- Spider-man remastered. This mod adds a new costume from the movie "Spider-Man" with Tobey Maguire to the game. Does not replace original costumes.
Gangster Spider-Man
Mobster Spider-man (Custom Model) -- Suit Slot --. This mod adds a new gangster costume. Does not replace original costumes.
Street Spider (separate slot)
Street Spider (Marvel Super War) --- Suit Slot --. This mod adds a new street style costume to the game. Does not replace original costumes.
Dark suit 2099
Dark 2099 Suit. Simply change the coloring of Suit 2099 to make it a dark variant.
Spider cat without mask
Remove Spider-Cat's Mask. This is a small mod that removes the mask from the spider cat.
Metal cat mask
Metals Cat Mask. This mod changes the cat mask to a metal version: - Chrome cat mask, - Dark golden cat mask, - Golden cat mask, - Silver cat mask.
Miles in a blue jacket
Blue Coat Miles. Swaps Miles's black winter jacket for an unused version of the blue jacket.
Champion costume in a separate slot
Champions Suit -- Suit Slot---. Adds a slot for an UNUSED champion costume. The textures on the suit are wrong (it was straight out of the game). Maybe I'll look later.
Black and white programmable matter
Black and White Programmable Matter. A simple black and white repaint of the programmable matter suit.
Damaged final costume
Final Battle Damaged Classic Suit (replaces regular miles classic suit). This mod replaces Miles' classic costume with the costume damaged in the final battle.