Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is a visually and technically enhanced version of the adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man, where the player, in the... Read more
Play as Venom. This mod replaces the Advanced Suit with Venom/Harry Osborn. Add Play as Play as Venom.smpcmod to the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the checkbox is checked, and click Install Mods.
Play As Doctor Octopus. Play as Doc Ock in this new mod with animations and UI textures for Otto. A few things to note: This applies to the first 3 costumes on the menu. Running on walls is prohibited with this mod. Also, don't collide with cars, thi ...
Play as Kingpin with Animations. This mod will allow you to play as Kingpin, replacing over 40 animations (Replaces Bagman and Spiderclan costumes). Add Play as KingpinV1.smpcmod to the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Instal ...
Playing As Mechahammerhead. Playing as Mechahammerhead with combat animations and some movement animations. Replaces Improved, Classic and Classic Hazmat Suits. May encounter software blocking when performing web archive or running from a wall. Chara ...
Play As Rhino with Animations and suit texture. Play as Rhino. This is the first version of a mod that I plan to develop further, but this mod replaces the Peter Parker model and animation set with a rhinoceros.
Spideverse_ Ultimate Symbiote Suit. Replaces the Spider Suit with the Ultimate Symbiote Suit, inspired by Spider-Man. The spider is not completely aligned in appearance.