Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is a visually and technically enhanced version of the adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man, where the player, in the... Read more
Original title: Spider-Verse Suit Pack Pt.2 (New Suit Slots) - reza825. This mod adds 3 new costumes based on the cartoon "Into the Spider-Verse".
Gotham Knights Mod Pack - Batman. The author created a mod that includes all 4 heroes from the game: Red Hood, Nightwing, Robin and Batgirl. Nightwing - Advanced Suit Robin - Classic Suit (Damaged) Red Hood - Classic Suit (Refurbished) Batgel - Cos ...
Symbiotic Suit Pack. This mod contains many different symbiote suits to choose from, with more to come in the future. Replaces the Future Foundations Suit.
True Red Lenses. This mod changes the color of most classic lenses to red. When installed, the name will appear as black lenses. Ignore that, I just didn't want to tinker with the mod too much to change the name. Affects the following costumes: - ...
True E3 Shader. Returns Marvel's Spider-Man to his original appearance from the 2017 E3 demo. Here are some tips: - Keep the brightness at 50 - If possible, don't use any scaling techniques (it's not a shader issue, it's just that the game has we ...
Mary Jane Customizer. Clothing options, hair color options, eye color options, spider shirt and light makeup. V1: black jacket, green scarf version V2: green jacket, brown scarf version V3: blue jacket, version with yellow scarf ...
Invisible Webs. "that mod will make almost as much web stuff as I could find completely invisible. Add Invisible Webs.smpcmod to the SMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods."
Spider-Man Unlimited Suit Remastered. Updated version of the "Unlimited" costume instead of the "Future Foundation". Made with Blender and Substance Painter.