Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is a visually and technically enhanced version of the adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man, where the player, in the... Read more
Unlimited Suit - TangoTeds. This mod adds the "Unlimited" costume. This does not replace existing costumes. This requires the ASC New Suit Slot tool.
Unlimited Spider-Man Suit Mod TV Style. Add to the game a Spider-Man costume in the style of the original animated series! Has 3 versions: transparent/solid cape and without cape. Replaces 2099 White.
Black Cloth Symbiote MK3. Just another black suit, but you might like it more than another black suit, so give it a chance. The mod also includes a suit icon.
Spider-'Nam- Suit Slot (Custom model). This mod is based on Spider-'Nam by comic book artist James Stokoe. Does not replace original costumes.
Hybrid Black Cloth Suit. This mod adds a new suit that replaces the MK 1. The added armor and gloves should represent the technology needed to replicate the actual power of the symbiote.
Yet Another Amazing Suits. Red and Blue are loosely based on Shattered Dimensions. They're a little cartoony because I wanted a break from the super realistic and detailed costumes after doing the costumes from Edge of Time. The mod comes with 2 cost ...
Spideverse_ Ultimate Symbiote Suit. Replaces the Spider Suit with the Ultimate Symbiote Suit, inspired by Spider-Man. The spider is not completely aligned in appearance.
2018 Symbiote-Inspired Suit. Adds a symbiote costume inspired by the 2018 costume. One has poison tentacles and the other doesn't, but they can all be used together. Requires ASC 1.95 suit tool.