Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is a visually and technically enhanced version of the adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man, where the player, in the... Read more
Miles Morales - Bodega Cat Suit HI-RES. This mod adds a new costume in a new slot or replaces the 2099 costume. Textures in 4K. Also features realistic fabric
(V.3 UPDATE) Instant Suit Power Recharge. This mod gives an instant cooldown for each suit power, meaning you can use the suit power as much as you want. I know there is already an infinite power suit mod, but you don't have to use a scripthook, but ...
No AutoExposure. Removes auto exposure during the main time of day, as well as during cloudy and morning weather. It also turns on during the act with Fisk. The exposure will automatically re-adjust when/if you enter photo mode, it may also re-adjust ...
Symbiote Black Cat - Web of Shadows. This mod replaces the Mark 2 costume with the Black Cat symbiote from the game Web of Shadows. Update 1.1 - Added head version of this game.
Infinite Web Gadget Ammo. This mod provides infinite ammo for each web gadget, meaning you can shoot webs as much as you want without running out of ammo. I know there is already a mod for infinite networks, but you can use smpcmod rather than a scri ...
Spider Man Zero (Suit Slot). Spider-Man Zero skin with two options: 1. The costume slot is added to the costume mod, it does not need to be replaced. 2. Replace with “British Spider-Man costume”
Miles Morales - THE END Suit. This model replaces the standard stealth suit. I was able to use the new material editing tool and get realistic fabrics on his hoodie and pants. The suit looks good.
Orca's Custom Last Stand Spider-Woman. This mod replaces the Last Stand costume with a custom Spider-Woman model. Peter's base model. The custom model uses his hands. This means that mods that change it will affect this mod.