Games Metro Exodus All reviews

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neonololo (гость)
February 22, 2019

How many books have you read, how many movies have you watched, how many games have you completed, but only after the ending of Metro Exodus did you shed a tear?

RUSSELL_XP (гость)
February 23, 2019

Nice, solid game! A worthy part of the series


I am a fan of games in the form of an alternative reality and where the atmosphere of the apocalypse presses on you, all this is because of the books of the Strugatsky brothers, Kobo Abe and other science fiction writers. The game is chic. When you play, you feel the full depth of this theme. I don’t even like Fallout touched on. If there was a bigger map and more freedom of action, there would be no comparisons. The map from The Witcher is very large and it’s very interesting to run around it. In Metro, it would be even more interesting. Run around abandoned houses from the times of the USSR, climb all the roofs - fascinating. I recommend it to everyone

W3 (гость)
February 8, 2022

For me this game is a masterpiece. And it’s crazy to read negative reviews in style - it’s just shit... but that’s all, for me it’s from the emptiness in my soul. But the characters and plot simply cannot help but captivate. I remember someone’s review, I think it was on Steam, I’ll quote it, it’s close to me - At the beginning of the game I hated Melnik, and at the end I almost burst into tears...

For me the graphics are super. The elaboration of details is amazing, these touches and little things from that world (the real one) are what immerse you in the atmosphere of the game.

As an example, I know Novosibirsk, and when Artem and Melnik go to the station square, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

And to find fault with the number and color of bullets in the backpack (it seems so to me) is somehow quite petty.


A great game, almost everything is top notch, from graphics to plot. There are small bugs and flaws, but you don’t notice them all. I replay it from time to time, and this is one of the few games that gives me emotions when I play it again!


You know, this game is not only an excellent continuation of the previous part, but also a 100% masterpiece, because the characters are so alive and their emotions are so well conveyed that you involuntarily feel sympathy for everyone (what a pity that Ullman will not see this).

And these beautiful locations that no longer convey the atmosphere of the metro, but the atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic world, a world that survived a catastrophe but rose from the ashes, a world in which people are like animals that are subject only to the instinct of self-preservation.

Also, what is the graphics and rendering of textures and enemies worth, hordes of mutants who are trying to devour you

I want to focus on weapons

1. Realism - weapons can jam if they are not cleaned for a long time using chemicals … Read full

10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
8 / 10
10 / 10

Artyom’s wife, Anna, described the plot well in one dialogue: “Everyone should have a destination... His own point on the map, where he is rushing, and where he can finally calm down...”

This is already not the “Metro” we are used to seeing... This is MUCH better! Locations in the style of the apocalypse, incredible beauty!

Now your home will be (!) the Aurora train and the sound of wheels, and not the dark metro tunnels inhabited by monsters and groups... BUT, of course, the monsters have not gone away, and the characters are as always charismatic and the voice acting is excellent. Local bandits with their “olives” and “nna” stayed here and thank you for that)))))) Oh, and by the way, we’ll even go for a ride in the car! And with such surprisingly very pleasant controls!

Of the m… Read full


I finished the game completely, I'm going through the Sam's Story DLC. Overall, the game is pleasant and quite interesting, but with a certain amount of cranberry and stupid humor. 8/10.

In some places it is too long and is starting to get boring.

7.7 / 10
9 / 10
7.5 / 10
7.4 / 10
Sound and Music
8.6 / 10
5 / 10
9.1 / 10
Evengard (гость)
April 27, 2019

A great game in its own right and a great continuation of the series. I don’t recommend it to people who like to grumble about politics, etc., it can undermine)


Great game and a good continuation of the story. The graphics are great, but there are problems with game optimization. Great characters that we know from previous installments, but also equally great new ones. A huge plus of the game is that we were finally brought to the surface: we are traveling by train across all of Russia, and there will be excellent scenery everywhere. Great plot, great missions. I would also like to note the atmosphere of the game, which will make you immerse yourself in it.

This is one of the best releases of 2019 and deserves a rating of 9/10


Continuation of the Metro series. Just as great as the previous parts. The plot and atmosphere are simply beautiful... Thanks to the developer for such a wonderful game!!

9.9 / 10
9.9 / 10
9.9 / 10
9.9 / 10
Sound and Music
9.9 / 10
9.9 / 10
9.9 / 10

Although I only managed to read the book “Metro 2033” and go through all 3 parts of the metro. The last one hurt the most. This choice of how to approach the task, a (partially) open world, freedom of action, a rather detailed world if you look closely. And in general. I bought the game at full price and have never regretted it. She was worth my money many times over. From now on, I give this game the mark for “The most story-driven and atmospheric game.”


The evolution of the first two games in the series. Logical and progressive. The picture blossomed bushily, showing off post-apocalyptic landscapes, varied ruins and weather effects, both characters familiar from books and games, as well as the general story, were developed.

Certain inconsistencies with the books and previous parts of the games sometimes grate the ear and eye, but they are few and partly justified.

The plot is pleasant and complete, does not raise unnecessary questions and keeps you firmly glued to the monitor. The characters are shown reliably, fortunately, and were written by Glukhovsky long ago and painstakingly. Finally moving to the surface, the narrative rushes through the depopulated expanses of Russia, significantly expanding and enriching the background of the story… Read full


I bought it, turned it on, got scared of the furry dog, turned off the game, deleted it.

19 dogs out of 10

And I really liked the game, I got to the good ending. Brings me to tears

This is the best game of 2019, I recommend it


I went through the first two parts. I waited for this one, and waited for it to be available at a discount in the PS store, I waited... I'm delighted, for me the best game of 2019.


Very atmospheric! The locations are well-developed, beautiful (by post-apa standards). The strong point of the game is the characters, you empathize with everyone, you don’t care whether he dies or not, you want to save everyone. But the NPC is of course a failure, I haven’t seen such stupid ones for a long time


A fairly solid continuation of the series, which adopted the working basics from the previous parts. In some places the controls suck, the AI ​​leaves much to be desired, and the shooting remains the same, surpassing perhaps the shooting from Fallout 4

7 / 10
9 / 10
7 / 10
8 / 10
Sound and Music
8.5 / 10
8.4 / 10
10 / 10

It’s interesting to play through the game when you first read the book, and then watch its adaptation into this masterpiece. True, unlike the previous parts, Exodus tells the entire plot of the book “Metro 2035” (if you can call it that) in the first chapter, and then goes its own equally interesting path.

I admit, I like the previous parts better, but this does not mean that I did not like Exodus, it also turned out wonderful, just like the “simulator” of Russian railways, with these landscapes.)


Simply a great game. In my opinion, the best in the series. The ending brought me to tears, the plot is top, as is the graph, the gameplay. Shooting is clear. 10 deserves reinforced concrete. Oh yes, also, in my opinion, Metro Exodus is the best game of 2019


I am glad that the CIS-grostroy can produce decent products, and Metro Exodus is probably the apotheosis of all this, at least for the moment. Almost everything in this game is beautiful: graphics, characters, gameplay, during the passage the world of post-nuclear Russia becomes even more familiar than the real one

Only the ending was a little disappointing: it came out a little... bland. Moreover, whether good or bad, they could not outdo the previous part of the series, Last Light, in their emotionality, but this is already subjective, which, however, for me personally, greatly influenced the perception of what was happening

In general, the game definitely deserves attention and wasted time
