Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Middle-earth: Shadow of War is a continuation of the action slasher with a third-person view Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Talion returns again as the main... Read more
Save (Prologue completed)
1601211553_0b572f33_shadowofwar.zipDownload 1.24 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Saving in Windows
“Middle-earth: Shadow of War” saves are stored in the Windows operating system in the [userdata] folder located in the STEAM game client.
Save file name:
xxxxxxxx_ShadowOfWar.sav (consists of Latin letters and numbers)
Path to Middle-earth: Shadow of War saves on STEAM on Windows:
[Steam folder]\userdata\[user id]\356190\remote\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[user id]\356190\remote\
Path to Middle-earth: Shadow of War saves on Windows:
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\WB Games\Shadow of War\
C:\Users\[username]\Documents\WB Games\Shadow of War\
Saves in Linux
The saves for the game “Middle-earth: Shadow of War” are located in the Linux operating system in the [steamapps] folder located in the STEAM Play Proton game client.
Path to Middle-earth: Shadow of War saves on STEAM on Linux:
[Steam folder]/steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/
~/.steam/steam/userdata/[user id]/356190/
Установка :
Сохранения в Windows
Сохранения «Middle-earth: Shadow of War» хранятся в операционной системе Windows в папке [userdata], находящейся в игровом клиенте STEAM.
Название файла сохранений:
xxxxxxxx_ShadowOfWar.sav (состоит из латинских букв и цифр)
Путь до сохранений Middle-earth: Shadow of War в STEAM на Windows:
[Папка со Steam]\userdata\[id пользователя]\356190\remote\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[id пользователя]\356190\remote\
Путь до сейвов Middle-earth: Shadow of War в Windows:
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\WB Games\Shadow of War\
C:\Users\[имя пользователя]\Documents\WB Games\Shadow of War\
Сохранения в Linux
Сохранения игры «Middle-earth: Shadow of War» лежат в операционной системе Linux в папке [steamapps], расположенной в игровом клиенте STEAM Play Proton.
Путь к сохранениям Middle-earth: Shadow of War в STEAM на Linux:
[Папка со Steam]/steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/
~/.steam/steam/userdata/[id пользователя]/356190/
Useful links: