Neverness to Everness
Adventure in the open world from the creators of Tower of Fantasy, where anime magical girls explore the metropolis, buy apartments, ride sports cars, and fight... Read more
The new Neverness to Everness amazes with the innovations that were able to bring to a regular gacha game, but such a number of possibilities calls into question the quality and quantity of content within these mechanics. Simply put, quantity does not mean quality and depth of development. Let's see!
Новая Neverness to Everness поражает новшествами которые смогли привнести в обычную гача игру, однако такое количество возможностей ставит под вопрос качество и количество контента внутри этих механик. Проще говоря, количество — не значит качество и глубина проработки. Посмотрим!