No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view set in a futuristic environment. You will embark on the exploration of outer space and planets, some... Read more
Small cursor
The modification makes the cursor smaller, making it less bulky.
Instant Clicks
The mod changes the menu - now the interface buttons respond instantly to presses.
Altered asteroid fields
The mod makes changes to asteroid fields: now it is safer to fly in them due to the greater distance between them, and there are fewer asteroids themselves.
Less word limit
With this mod, the limit of words that can be learned from Stones and Encyclopedias is reduced to 5.
Black holes instead of hyperdrive
The mod replaces the hyperjump animation with traveling in a black hole.
More dead worlds
The mod expands the variety of dead planets and increases their number - now half of all worlds are dead.
Fast start
The mod removes the introductory training mission for a quick start.
Less detail on the HUD
The mod reduces the amount of detail on the interface so that there is no overloaded screen on planets inhabited by players.
Retro ship panel
The mod redraws the interface inside the ship in a retro style, adding more colors to the panels.
Removing clouds
The mod cleans the atmosphere of planets, completely removing clouds - now all skies are crystal clear.
Disabling camera shake
The mod removes the camera shaking effect in the game, regardless of the situation - for those who experience discomfort from such effects in games.
Natural color of the sky
The mod gives the sky a natural blue color instead of the standard bright blue.
Mouse wheel control
The mod allows you to change the size of the terrain manipulator using the mouse wheel, just like before Beyond.
Changing the length of day and night
The mod allows you to make day and night longer or shorter.
Removing unnecessary filters and frames
The mod removes all unnecessary filters and interface frames, making the game faster and clearer, albeit at the expense of beautiful graphics.