The review was written while the game was still in development.
If the declared PVP is a complete loss of worn and acquired loot in the inventory, I will buy this game even for 8k rubles. There was no PVP in the alpha tests, and the battle was not properly developed. I'm looking forward to PVP, because I can farm and build in BDO
The review has been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Если заявленное ПВП будет фулл потеря надетого и нажитого лута в инвентаре, куплю эту игру даже за 8к рубасов. В альфа тестах ПВП не было, и бой нормально не проработан. Жду ПВП, ибо фармить и строить я могу и в бдо