- PlayerStats (Ctrl+Num1, Pointers) — Player stats
- City (Ctrl+Num2, Cities List - F7 + select City, Pointers) - City
- All own cities temporary effects (Alt+Num2, will revert on deactivation) — All own cities temporary effects
- Other resources (Ctrl+Num3, Pointers & set all) — Other resources
- Buildings and units (Ctrl+Num4) — Buildings and units
- Units NoDmg (Alt+Num4, Soldiers still decrease for now if not other options above enabled) - units will not destroy
- Max affinity+respect+trust of selected race (Ctrl+Num5, activ: Diplomacy, F5) — Maximum affinity + respect + trust for the selected race
- Max all paths (Ctrl+Num6, Bliss, Enl, Gaia, Ember) — Max all paths
- GameStats (Untested if changing might break game — End Turn) — game stats
1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table
2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option and check the box.
The file name and description have been translated
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(RU)Show translation
Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 13.05.2020]
- PlayerStats (Ctrl+Num1, Pointers) — Статы игрока
- City (Ctrl+Num2, Cities List — F7 + select City, Pointers) — Город
- All own cities temporary effects (Alt+Num2, will revert on deactivation) — Все собственные города временные последствия
- Other resources (Ctrl+Num3, Pointers & set all) — Прочие ресурсы
- Buildings and units (Ctrl+Num4) — Здания и юниты
- Units NoDmg (Alt+Num4, Soldiers still decrease for now if not other options above enabled) — юниты не домажут
- Max affinity+respect+trust of selected race (Ctrl+Num5, activ: Diplomacy, F5) — Максимальная близость + уважение + доверие к выбранной расе
- Max all paths (Ctrl+Num6, Bliss, Enl, Gaia, Ember) — Макс все пути
- GameStats (Untested if changing might break game — End Turn) — статы игры
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.